NYC Gathering

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2004
Reaction score
Long Island NY
Usually I see a thread once or twice a year about hanging out in the city ....thought I'd open up the is looking good this time of year...

Could meet at Chelsea Brewing (just so happens to be on the view and Brew list) walk uptown see the tree, holiday windows, walk into Central Park, check out the skaters and walk around there (just happens to be on the Views and Brews list)...

or....reverse the idea and meet at Central Park...I'm actually thinking about doing that Saturday morning...but then again we could just meet and hang out...
I confess I sort of gave up trying to organize these things. Attendance was hitting bottom (as in no one showing up). So take the lead Coldfeet and I will come (subject to scheduling).

As for the particulars you mentioned, I would probably just go to the bar part, so I would vote to put that at the end, not the beginning of the evening. Of course just doing the Brew without the View would be fine for me.

Chelsea Piers is good (I could almost walk there), but since last time we were there, it was getting empty by about 8:00. So let's start early. But we had a good turnout there last time so let's do it again.

Thursday or Friday nights are usually good for me, but I'll consider any suggestion.
Mad Townie....that would be cool....I think last year the NYC parks dept had opened up tenting in certain parks located in the 5 boroughs of NYC with security...I missed it and hopefully next year I can....i'll see u in Vermont...will do some car site seeing due to knee....

PaPa Bear.....I always wanted to go to your gatherings but it was usually on Thursdays and I used to work on that night...this year Thursday and Fridays are good for me....should we think about it for next week or try to jam it in this week?....

What about all the other city folks?...
coldfeet said:
Mad Townie....that would be cool....I think last year the NYC parks dept had opened up tenting in certain parks located in the 5 boroughs of NYC with security...I missed it and hopefully next year I can....i'll see u in Vermont...will do some car site seeing due to knee....

PaPa Bear.....I always wanted to go to your gatherings but it was usually on Thursdays and I used to work on that night...this year Thursday and Fridays are good for me....should we think about it for next week or try to jam it in this week?....

What about all the other city folks?...
Next week is fine for me. But since it's getting close to Christmas, it might conflict with office parties, shopping, etc. So let's start with that and see who is able to make it. After that you'd have to go to January.
It just occured to me that THIS week is also fine for me, either Thursday or Friday. I know it's short notice, but I thought I'd just throw it out there.
Skate skis!

No snow in NYC now, about 2-3 inches in the catskills. I doubt there is any snow in the lower elevations though.

if there are any boulderers out there i would be glad to take you around to some of the spots in the park, this also goes for vancortland, innwood/ft tryon.
also a quick mention woolman rink is a mob scene(just walked by today) i seriously recommend heading up north to lasker rink which is much less crowded and i presume cheaper $ 4.00 for adults and $2.00 for kids under 12, i couldnt find the rates for woolman online. i would also recommend heading up to the north end of the park much less touristy,less developed (actual woods and trails) heres a link

peace, charlie
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Pete......I always wanted to go to Coney Island and watch the "polar bears" swim in the cccccold water...maybe I'll bring the kids and idea..

Jay.....maybe you could kayak out and lead Pete over to the Intrepid, maybe he could help dig it out?....Is it still stuck in the mud?

Charlos ...... I already did my skating at Bear Mtn the day after thanksgiving...look at the thread a few weeks ago...think it was titled...hiking, carosel and skating...

PaPa Bear...will confirm with the boss today, (my wife)...have a school party (#1) this Friday in's over at 6, plenty of time to get into the city for gathering (party #2 )....I'll go into the city Sat and hike around Central Park...this way it gives me time for (party #3) Sat night...need a good sleep for (party #4) on Sunday, my birthday! Gotta love this time of year!
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The intrepid did make it out of the NYC muck and is now in Bayonne I guess at some dry dock/pier for restoration...

As far as skating goes, there are some good backcountry ponds and lakes in Harriman that would make excellent skating oppotunities. One could even ski there if there is snow. The 1st/2nd/3rd reservoirs, Pine Meadow Lake, as well as many other small ponds would be fun. I'm absolutely sure the PIPC would freak out though, so stay away from 7LD... ;)

Hi, I would like to go to another NYC gathering. Thursday is no good for me and Friday I'll be in NJ, not sure when I can get back yet. Fred