NYT piece on Yellowstone's Visitor Center


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Does anyone know if this is a completely new structure on a new footprint and not a rebuild of the old building that was behind Old Faithful ? I wonder what they're doing with that building or if it was demo'd for this one.

If there's a "Tourist Trap" in Yellowstone it's Old Faithful, but at this point it is what it is. The most aggravating aspect of the Old Faithful area of the park, by far, however, were the rude, impatient, self indulged visitors, not the parking lots, buildings and boardwalks.
I agree the tone of the article is kind of odd. The author seems negative in the piece, but I'm not sure why? I couldn't tell if he wanted more safeguards in the park or less?

A happy balance, then? Not really, and this is the tension of the park experience. In the lobby, displays present maps of geyser activity, but also show warnings: “Danger! Hot Water Can Kill.” Bears, we learn, attack; bison gore.

Well, given that the park sees 3.3 millions visitors, these warnings are necessary. Each time I've been to Yellowstone, I've seen people doing stupid things.
I believe it's an architectural review. I'm not sure a building has ever been built that was positively reviewed.

I think it's mostly like having one's book reviewed in the New Republic: you know it's going to get savaged, but the honor is in it getting savaged. Unworthy books don't get mentioned at all.

One time I told a very senior academic that I was going to review a work of his negatively in an article I was writing, and not to take it personally. He replied, "Oh don't worry, just spell my name correctly!"