Obscure MWO reference


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Mr. X

New member
Sep 4, 2003
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Touristville MA, Avatar: メルシー
Hey, so last night I was enjoying the fruits of life. I was watching re-runs of "America's Funniest Home Videos" (I have the whole series taped and archived from beginning to current, along with the "Teletubbies" and "The Wiggles" yeah right!). Anyway they had a clip of some Mt Washington Observatory workers video taped antics that were hilarious. They (the MWO people) were pulling a "seated customer and waiter routine" outside on the observation deck with very high winds. It took all the prankster had to hold down the card table they had as a prop and food was flying everywhere. At one point the table actually lifted the "seated customer" and carried him or her and the table for a few feet. I'm going to look this one up on the net and see if I can find a clip etc. Anyone else recall seeing this?
I've seen it, I believe up at the summit in the visitor's center. I remember that it was called "Breakfast of Champions".
I recall the video was mentionmed in Bill Bryson's A Walk in the Woods. He watched it when visiting the visitors center. I've never seen it but it's on my list.
