Old Blue (Andover, ME)


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May 18, 2005
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Orrington, ME
After a 96 degree day in Orrington (i think the hottest in 9 years we've lived here) and with a similar forecast for today, i headed out very early (230) for another modest "working my way back" hike. Toward western Maine on Rt 2, thru Mexico (the mill is always pungent;)), turn onto Rt120 in Rumford, and finally north on South Arm Rd for:

Old Blue-3600' -The peak lies on the AT about 3 miles miles and 2200' from S Arm Rd. The obvious route is to follow the AT, but i had something different in mind. Until the late 1970s?, Old Blue was a somewhat challenging bushwhack with the AT routed closer to Elephant Mt- didn't go over OB. I hoped to start near the "parking area" for Elephant and follow the old AT route (renamed the Clearwater Brook Trail? and not maintained for years) to a spot on the AT about 1 1/2 miles north of the summit and "backtrack" up.

The dirt roads ( two of the ever present moose appeared) to Elephant "lot" seemed placid compared to my last visit when doing the NEHH some years back-probably because there have been too many crazy dirt road approaches in the interim. I parked and started up the overgrown road toward the "turn" to Elephant and E Elephant. Reaching the last clearing with the large cairn, i made a poor choice and headed straight into the woods on a heavily overgrown "trail" rather than bear left following the Elephant "road" route. The "trail" was beyond bad-hard to see or follow, choked with blowdown and new growth-as bad as a 'whack in heavy evergreen. Fortunately it was less than a quarter mile to more open hardwoods where i turned directly east toward the AT, hitting it about 1.4 miles north of the peak.

The AT was typical Maine-dense, with roots, rocks, wet, with rotted bog bridges-ascent became steady over rocks wet from the light rain that fell off and on. The early morning temps were in the 70s with an overcast that spared me from the expected blast furnace. Old Blue's summit is open with a fine 360 degree view slowly surrendering to 4-5' evergreen growth. You can "reach out and touch" the Elephants.

On the descent, i made an effort to look for traces of the old AT route and found it a bit further north than expected. I ran into another hiker zipped in his who was unwilling to come out and seemed reluctant to engage in even minimal conversation :).The old trail has not seen much work in years and is a poor route choice-overgrown with blowndown and lots of boggy stretches. You can see a few faded blue blazes placed when it was abandoned as AT path and became Clearwater Brook path.

Further down, i saw considerable flagging running toward the Elephants and back toward where i parked-the lower part of the overgrown trail/road was super boggy for a solid stretch.

Normally i'd have headed for at least another hike, but as i'm in toe rehab :) mode and trying to be careful after not doing much for 5+ weeks, i headed home-a wise choice given the intense heat that has resurfaced this afternoon.

Had fun, but suggest you don't follow my route for Old Blue, use the AT

26 left....

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In 1995 Pat and I climbed Old Blue from South Arm Road on the AT which was brand new then, with krummholz-like branches still covering the very soft and duff-covered path. There were more views than now. We made a loop via the Clearwater Brook Trail which was still in excellent shape.

One of the times we climbed Elephant recently, we bypassed the usual left turn at the cairn and continued straight on what turned out to be the old AT/Clearwater Brook Trail, with white blazes still evident on rocks underfoot. I was surprised because I don't recall climbing that high on the flanks of Elephant when we were completing the Old Blue loop. But those roads leading to the Elephant parking area weren't in evidence then. It was mostly a beautiful brookside walk.
Hi Roy--sometimes i get tunnel vision working on approach plan possibilities for a number of peaks at the same time, almost all w/o any feedback/beta

-this possible route looks like the Pleasant Mt Rd and lesser extension off Rt 17 near where i was yesterday for Crosstown Rd and Pt 2938. As opposed to the possibility you suggested for Rainbow which could have saved me hard miles and all this toe grief :(, i'm not sure this road (even if passable to that point) would differ much for time/distance/effort than the one i used from the Elephant side

but next time, be sure to tell me before i go :)--e.g. just a few of the 24 goodies remaining

1) Saddleback Jr--think i can avoid all the up/down from the ski center over SB abd Horn and take the Potato Hill Rd out of E Madrid and go wet past Hardy Stream to the locked gate and then walk up the road to point just SW of "Junior" and 'whack to the AT?--Delorme29

2) Pt 2900-on the border swath -top left of Delorme pg 28--i plan to drive almost to Parc Gosford gate house and walk the gated road SW to the swath a bit SE of "2900"

3) Moose Hill (not Mt) and Layton-Delorme 38 border swath NE of Coburn Gore-approach from Cand side using what becomes the Lowelltown Rd to swath

4) Clear Pond Mt--Delorme 38 a real long way in from Rt 201 on Holeb Rd, "200 Rd" and and lesser dirt--have no way to know how far in i might drive, but would hate to be stuck in there (sorta like 40-50 miles in NMW from Ashland-and i have 4 more in there)..or perhaps do Clear Pond from the swath (but that would mean passing way back into the US)

and so on

>1) *_Saddleback Jr_*

We used AT from old RR to E

>2)*_ Pt 2900_*

I think this is on the new trail, which probably follows your route

>3)*_ Moose Hill (not Mt) and Layton_*

Climbed Layton with Smart, Bump, etc. from Beaudry Rd side

>4) *_Clear Pond Mt_*

Did you ask the Passamaquoddy?
Roy--i'll put this info to good use

--my mistake in that i meant Moose Hill and Wait on the swath, not Moose Mt and Layton which are exactly where you placed them :)

--Clear Pond Mt--on Pass land? or they might have info re road or??
