On call trailwork


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Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
N44.55162 W70.32107
I'm not sure if this is the proper place to post this and not in events, but here it is.

I am trying to establish a contact list of people who are able to occasionally go out on sections of the Western AT with me while I perform "large" blow down removal. I have my USFS/ATC Sawyer certification, but haven't had much luck in finding people who are able to get out on the winter trails and help out. The main function of the job is to act as a safety observer since the work involves a chainsaw. As I am a volunteer also, the pay is non-existant.

Right now I have a backlog of reported "large" blowdowns and would like to get out there soon. Especially with the winter such as it's been.

Do da term "brush swamper" ring a bell :D

You're at the top of the list Steve.

My biggest challenge is that I am often out there wed through sun. Most people have weekday jobs.
Now that I am living in NH full time I am available for trail work. I will PM you my contact information.
I can spare some time here and there on the weekends. PM me when you have something going.
Ya gotta be impressed

By the quick responses from those people who love the mountains and woods enough to say: "I'm in". And of course, who have the time available to do this.

Now I'll get out those trail reports and sharpen the chain on the Husky. First session will be this week.

Blowdowns here we come.

Thanks for all that responded.

I will post each trip as soon as it is firmed up by ol man weather. We're Looking at this coming thursday on Smart's Mtn southern approach trail. I will confirm with those who spoke up, and post details on this site for any else who may want to tag along.
Hey Tom,

Sign me up! I 'd love to help you out with this too. I usually get a day off during the week and am available most weekends.
