One last Chance to create the Obsession

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Feb 5, 2009
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Small Town in Maine
8-3-10: Up Valley Way and Down the Airline...with a way stop at the Hut

My kiddos just don’t understand my obsession with hiking. I’ve told them quite a few times that it’s the “REAL above treeline” experience that clinches the deal. Well…vacation is finally here and my last chance to share this experience was upon us. Not only would we hit above treeline (and maybe a summit) but also, they would get to see how COOL it is to have a “house” on top of it all!! Madison Spring Hut…up Valley Way…down Airline…here we come!

Knowing my kids and, all kids for that matter…we had to find things to do on the way up to keep the minds occupied…

so, we climbed rocks

Tried to ID mushrooms

And even found a green “Lobster claw”.

After some games and singing…and a LOT of coaching…we finally made it to “breaking out” and the hut.

Time for some refueling and discussions of why there is a SWING on the door of the galley…the clouds began to roll in and we decided to head back down. Now the fun would begin…they would finally see what we LOVE so much!

Although Madison was pretty socked in when we left there were other beautiful things to see.

Sometimes, the clouds just add a beauty that you can’t get otherwise!

Aaron was fearless

And Monica was being…well…Monica

They were definitely enjoying the views and the experience (how could they not?)


Finally…down below the trees…spirits were high and it was great! I think I GOT ‘EM!

NOT SO FAST!!! I’d forgotten how very LOOONNNNGGG the trip down can be both mentally and physically.

Not sure if it was dehydration (I don’t think so…they both drank quite a lot) or lack of food (ditto…they can really scarf it down!) or just lack of mental preparedness for this part of the trip…but, we ended up taking their packs (I had Monica’s and Bob had Aaron’s) and really having to use a lot of talking and refocusing and keep the mind going. Honestly, I was a bit worried about Monica. Aaron did ok…he was just a bit tired and had had it. But, just when I thought we were going to have to call SAR to get them that last mile (he he he…they laughed too…ok…maybe not laughed but…) the CAR!!!

Hopefully, for them, hiking in the Whites will be like child birth…you forget the “pain” and only remember the beauty. Anyway, it was a great hike…well…I thought so :eek:

The rest of the pictures (or some of them...I had almost 200!) are here
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Haha, love the report. It kind of brings me back to my first hike, on Chocorua when I was seven. It was such a long way down, plus I had to go to the bathroom....and at the time it seemed like it was NOT an option. :)

Good stuff, love the report!

grouseking son has NO issue with the potty problem...we have to remind him to be more DISCRETE sometimes!!

My daughter, however...that's another story!!
he he he...We might have given them a bit more than they were ready for...:eek:

They have hiked some much smaller stuff in with us in Maine (Camden State Park...7.0 miles and Acadia...6.0ish miles) but nothing with this length or rough terrain.

I know that Aaron is interested in the Precipice trail in Acadia...he LOVES the climbing and was really having fun above treeline on the airline...I think he was just over the length of the whole thing after the excitement of treeline.

However...Monica...well...she is afraid of hights so isn't really into the climbing and would really prefer a walk in the woods (she loves some of the trails in Camden). Hopefully, if we get her out in Camden/Acadia more...she'll remember the excitement of "up there" and want to go back when a bit more ready.

It's so much fun to see when someone finally gets it. I spent all week out in the mountains with my daughter (who does not remember a time when she was not a great enthusiast). We talked to all sorts of people, but one of the funnest encounters we had was with a father and a son who had gone up Lafayette with a larger group of family and friends -- their first mountain, ever. The rest of the group returned to the hut, but these two decided to go out and tag Lincoln, too. I swear, they were both floating about 6" above the ground, just loving the whole experience. That was just yesterday, but I'll bet anything they're already planning their next hike.

I hope you & yours have many, many more wonderful adventures together among the woods and the peaks.