outdoor podcasts


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sleeping bear

New member
Dec 13, 2005
Reaction score
Marquette, MI
Since I pretty much think about being in the woods all of the time, I started searching iTunes to see if there was something I could listen to on my commute to and from work. I was in luck!
Browsing through the podcasts I came accorss several that sound pretty good. Check them out!

Media Ventures: Adventure Sports Vodcast- mountaineering, canoeing, kayaking etc. (video)
podClimimber: rock climbing and mountaineering
Wildbeat: general backcountry info from around the country (world?)
Trailcast: Tales from the AT
The Everest Podcast: Self explanatory

You don't have to have an iPod to download and listen to or watch these either, and iTunes is free.

I think Media Ventures and Wildbeat will be my favorites.