Over the river & thru the woods ... Thanksgiving with the Carter Family


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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2005
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Waltham, MA Jazzbo & Marty meet Bigfoot on Kenne
To work off my Thanksgiving turkey I'm planning to hike North, Middle, and South Carter. I was tempted to join one of the other VFTT trips posted for this weekend, but I'm looking to bag two more 4K's on my list before snow gets too deep and weather more challenging. These will be #40 & 41 for me.

I'm thinking of doing the basic loop starting Imp Trail, North Carter Trail, Carter Moriah Trail, Carter Dome Trail, 19-Mi Brk Trail to Rt 16. This loop of 12.4 miles includes 1.6 mile road walk back to Imp TH. Steve Smith's book on 4Ks indicates there are many fine view ledges all along the route. I like the sort of route that offers a steady succession of views so you get many different changes in perspectives. The view from Imp Face sounds interesting. So far weather for Saturday looks promising for a good day.

So far I have one expression of interest from Hunter who sounds pretty definite, so I think we'll have the car spot. Assuming a car spot, we'll meet at 19-Mile Brook TH and head back to Imp TH. No car spot means meeting at Imp TH. I'm thinking of meeting at between 8:00 and 8:30 with view to getting on trail as soon as possible before 9:00.

I'm driving to Gorham Friday afternoon or evening to stay at the Hikers Paradise. I've never stayed there before. I called Bruno or someone with an accent like a Bruno. He says reservations aren't needed as it's off season. The hostel shouldn't be crowded so snoring shouldn't be an issue. At $17.50, the price is right. I'm mostly a day tripper, so I'm looking forward to not being half in the bag from long road trip and early start for a change.
You can save a lot of the road walk by cutting through Camp Dodge. Park at 19 mile trail and walk north along Rt. 16. About a 1/4 you will see the driveway to Camp Dodge on your right. Follow the driveway up and head towards the furthers building on your left. This is the tool cash. Just behind this building is an old logging road/path. Follow the path straight for about a 100 yards. It will then turn to the left near a creek. About 20 or 30 yards you will see some red ribbons around some trees. This is the Imp Trail. Follow the trail to the right. By going this way, you shave off some of the Imp Trail as well as save about a mile of a road walk.
Agreed the bushwack will save some distance.

Another bushwack route description: From the back of Camp Dodge, just follow the path of least resistance uphill keeping Cowboy Brook off to the right staying out of its ravine (a heading of 090-110 true) and you will intersect the trail. S Imp Tr touches the edge of the ravine of Cowboy Brook and swings N toward the trailhead, so you "can't miss" the trail.

MadRiver's route description looks ok too--this one works even if you miss some of the landmarks. All you have to be able to do is recoginze a brook ravine (you should be able to hear the brook along most of the route) and the trail as you cross it. The woods are pretty open and it should be an easy walk by either route. Distance is .3-.4 mi.

Since it looks like you will be going through Zeta Pass, I highly recommend the short detour to Mt Hight. Best views on the entire ridge.

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