OwlHead L.O., Rocky Peak Ridge, Giant, 3/17/09


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Climbed from 9N to Owlhead Lookout, crossed trailless to the col between Bald and Rocky Peak Ridge, on to Giant, and then returned to 9N, 3/17/09.

Trail Conditions: a few patches of open ground climbing OwlHead Lookout but enough ice that crampons or good snowshoes required. Crossover to the col between Bald and RPR had 1-3 ft of lovely snow in most spots. River not high and could be crossed with a bit of extra care. Climbing from the col to RPR on the trail there was plenty of snow. Someone had bare booted and post holed occasionally. Pond was solid for walk across. RPR windswept with bare rock on the main and east summits. Trail to Giant had lots of snow and a few wet patches of steep ice. Ice axe very helpful in a couple spots. Giant summit windswept or thin ice cover. Decent toward 9N had lots of snow until just before High Banks where there was a substantial stretch of open ground so snowshoes went onto pack for a bit. They were back on before Owlhead and conditions had not changed much from the morning after passing Owlhead lookout.

Equipment rec: snowshoes, ice axe, waterproof boots.

Map and pics

Cliff Reiter
[email protected]