Owl's Head (#48) on Sunday???


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Sep 12, 2005
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Hello, Hikers! Weather and stream crossings permitting, I will be heading out to Owl's Head in the Pemi on Sunday. Is anyone going to be out in the area? I'll be heading out from Lincoln Woods around 7:00 AM or so. If it looks like the rain will linger into Sunday, I'll probably postpone as I'm not sure hiking the slide in rain would be a good idea. Would welcome any feedback on that topic from others who have hiked it before. Thanks and happy hiking this weekend! HikerChick
One note, the water level has been on the high side and a couple of the stream crossings are a little challenging. Take a good pair of sandals or water shoes (and maybe a pack towel to dry off your feet as a precaution against blisters) and you'll get across faster.

Expect the cairn and all the signage to be missing.
Did owl's head 8-30 during katrina week.the first two crossings were at the dangerous level but it had rained for two days in a row and 3-5 inches the night before.it was raining while we were coming down the slide and I found the loose red gravel to be better than the smooth grey stone,reminded me of loose scree or talus out west no big deal.we found the trail with out cairn.count your stream crossings and keep track of where you are.2 clues after last lincoln brook crossing go about 10-15 min you will see a small very red colored seep to left of trail (iron oxide?)the owl's head trail is about 100 yards up to the right and to me very obvious. if you go 100 feet past begining of trail you will see a small "wilderness conforming sign"marking an illegal campsite.I followed the gravel outwash for about 10 min then as the slide opened up just went straight up ignoring the fresh cut trees that had blue blazes on them (about 10 cut trees).The path at the top was well worn and very easy.the old false summit was very obvious even with out any markings.
I wish I was a headlight on a northbound train,I'd shine my light through the cool colorado rain.(GD)
We Made It - #48!!!!

Hello, everyone! Just wanted to say thanks for all of the information and let you know that we made it. :) Found it easy to find the Owl's Head spur trail and the stream crossings were fine. Really enjoyed the walk along the Lincoln Brook trail with the brook alongside the trail for so long. Climbing the slide was a blast and I loved the views of Franconia Ridge. The sun even came out for awhile as well. I've heard some say that Owl's Head wasn't a good hike, but I really enjoyed it and would do it again. Had good company with me and met lots of nice hikers and backpackers on the trail. Met a bunch of hikers on the slide who only have a few more to go - good luck to you all! Thanks again and happy hiking!
Did Owl's Head via N. Part of Lincoln Brook Trail

I had left that morning at 10:30am from Guyot Campsite & thought that I'd save 3.4 miles by going thru S. Twin, then accessing the herd path from the north side of Lincoln Brook Trail.

Wrong answer! As I learned when I returned to my car at Lincoln Woods trailhead, the south part of Lincoln Brook Trail is much easier to follow.

I would highly NOT recommend doing the slide in the rain. AMC guide's hints were invaluable.