Owl's Head Attempt Lincoln trails & Black Pond Bushwhack 2-1-13


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Creaky Knees

New member
Jan 30, 2008
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Bedford, NH
Packed snow with some ice as expected after the rain. Water was high and the snowbridges ARE GONE making the last water crossing at Lincoln Brook impossible. IMHO, it will be several days of freezing weather and/or a major snowstorm to get the bridges back. Microspikes for trails, Snowshoes required for Black Pond bushwhack

Roy Boy, Spaderman and I met Summitseeker and SJH-Boston in the parking lot at about 6:45. On the trail at 7AM sharp and made great time to Black Pond which was well packed out to the Pond. Started to follow bushwhack, but easily lost it and we started postholing, so we put on the snowshoes, pulled out the compass and shot for 340 from there. It took us a little high over a ridge toward the end and into some thick hemlocks. Ended up connecting with LBT about 500 yards N of 2nd water crossing and started the walk to the third crossing. Most tributaries were easily jumped over. One major one required us to go into the woods 100 feet for a better crossing point. Got to the final stream crossing and started scratching our heads. Any ice that had formed on the top of rock was mushy and there were no logical points to cross. Tried going upstream for awhile, but nothing there. Since we don't walk on water, we made the prudent decision and decided to make it a summitless day in the woods. On the way back, we followed the LBT down to the middle water crossing and then shot magnetic South to avoid the ridge and hemlock trees. After about 1/4 mile, we connected with our tracks from the morning and headed back out to the parking lot by 2:30PM. Thanks to all for the company today.

Fred Chaloux - whitemtns48 at yahoo dot com.