Owl's Head, July 25-26, 2009


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Sep 13, 2008
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White Mountains, NH
Cut and pasted from our hiking blog: http://trishandalex.blogspot.com
Accompanying pictures can be found there.

Ascent route: Lincoln Woods Trail, Black Pond Trail, bushwhack intersecting with Lincoln Brook Trail, Owl's Head Path up slide to summit.

Return route: Owl's Head Path back down slide to Lincoln Woods Trail, Franconia Brook Trail, Lincoln Brook Trail.

Total distance: around 17.4 miles

A month ago, I asked MadRiver if he would plan a trip to Owl's Head with us. He graciously agreed, so we set the date. Soon afterward, DaveBear mentioned he was looking to do Owl's Head again...I let him know when we were going but I wasn't sure if he was going to come or not. I was pleasantly surprised to find him at the trailhead when MadRiver and I pulled into Lincoln Woods.

MadRiver, Alex and myself started out while Dave took care of a few odds and ends. He would catch up to us before we began our bushwhack from Black Pond.

We crossed the suspension bridge (which Alex greatly admired) and headed toward the trail sign.
We took the customary "begin" picture...

...and headed along the very flat and wide Lincoln Woods Trail.

It was an enjoyable walk. The path lies on the west side of the Pemigewasset River's east branch. The sound of the rushing water and the level trail made for a pleasant morning.

It wasn't too long before we ran into two familiar faces -- Gwynna and Diamondridge. They were hiking out after 4 days on various trails and bushwhacks. It was nice to see them. We stopped for a few minutes to exchange greetings, then continued on our way.

Soon we reached the Black Pond Trail.

This trail looked like a usual trail -- narrow, with a few ups and downs. It too was a pleasant walk, taking us gently through the woods and leading us to scenic Black Pond.

The three of us took a sandwich break and enjoyed the views.

DaveBear arrived and we all discussed the imminent bushwhack. DaveBear had a particular version he preferred to follow. MadRiver and I went the usual NNW way. The three of us agreed we would meet up on the Lincoln Brook Trail.

We set off, DaveBear going one way and MadRiver, Alex and I going another. At first, the bushwhack looked like a herd path and was easy to follow. Soon after rounding the west edge of the pond, however, we lost all signs of hiker traffic. MadRiver and I both held our compasses as we walked and continually double-checked our direction with each other.

It was tough -- we fought through tall plants and low branches, climbed over logs, and generally had a miserable time of it. Alex was not amused, and she asked several times if we were lost. I assured her we were not, that we were following our compasses and that we would eventually pop out on the Lincoln Brook Trail.

It was a long eventually. Took us an hour and a half to come across the trail. We were thrilled to set foot on it.
Our paced picked up considerably, though we did stop once in a while to admire the gigantic mushrooms.

We caught up with DaveBear close to the second minor stream crossing, then we looked about for a place to camp for the night. We ended up finding a nice place, more than the required 200 feet off the trail (a ranger who was checking around for illegal campsites found us while we were setting up...our first choice was only 150 feet away from the trail, unbeknownst to us...he asked us to move back a bit further and we happily obliged).

After setting up camp, we set off to tackle the Owl's Head slide and tag the summit. It was nice to be free from some of the weight of our packs!

On the way toward the slide, we ran into eddie (VFTT), his 14 year old son, eddie's brother-in-law, and HIS teenage son. They all looked so fresh, clean and strong that one would have thought we were meeting them half a mile from the car instead of 8 miles into the wilderness. This was their 47th NH48 peak...they were to do their final summit on Carrigain the next day. We said our hellos and wished each other well, then continued onward.

We arrived at the base of the slide in short order -- DaveBear pointed out the entrance, and also a few ways to distinguish the start of this bushwhack/herd path. The ranger who had checked on our site had apparently taken down the cairns that had reportedly been there a couple of hours before.

Up we began, first on loose dirt and scree...

...and then onto the slide proper.

Not long after we began the climb, we noticed something standing to our left, just behind a few branches, right on the edge of the slide and the woods.

It was a juvenile moose. This little guy/gal was just standing there, looking at the hikers that were climbing up and down right beside him/her. It was not afraid, and we all seemed to think that something was wrong.

After looking at him/her for a few minutes, we continued on our way.

Eventually we reached the top of the rock slide and entered the steep dirt-trail part of the hike. I turned and took a picture looking down, but the photo doesn't do the grade justice.
After much huffing and puffing, we reached the "old" summit. The blue squares which used to hold up a summit sign are still there on the high point's tree. Alex points up to them in the picture below.

From there, we trudged the 0.2 miles toward the "new" summit.

We exclaimed our few hurrays, then went back toward the "old" summit and took nice, long break.

Going back down the slide made me very nervous -- not for myself, but for Alex. She likes to talk a lot on the descent, and this time around was no exception. The problem is, when she talks, she forgets to look where she is going. I had to declare a very strict "no talking" rule for a while, for her own protection.

We reached the area where we had previously seen the moose...and there he/she still was.

Exactly the way we had seen the fella earlier...over 2 hours ago. Alex and I were sad, we all figured something wasn't quite right.

After a bit of surmising as to what might be the matter with the young thing, we headed down and went back to the campsite. I wished I could make that moose better, take care of it somehow. Alex wanted to know why its mother wasn't there. I've no idea, maybe at that size it doesn't need mama anymore? In any event, something was up with the poor critter. (DaveBear alerted the rangers at Lincoln Woods the next day).

We got back to the camp late. We ate dinner and retired to our tents for the evening.

The next morning, we decided to head back over the established trails. Alex and I were through with bushwhacking...we would figure out the river crossings somehow. With three adults and a lot of rope, we were optimistic about getting everyone safely across. Worst came to worst, we would turn back and bushwhack if we absolutely had to.

Turned out we were worrying needlessly. Both crossings were inconvenient, but in no way were they dangerous. I held onto Alex firmly and we waded through. The water went up to her knees at one point, but she was fine, especially with me holding onto her.

The rest of the hike was uneventful. We were all extremely tired and ready to be back at the car. Alex was the most tired I have ever seen her on a hike. She was in very good spirits -- singing, swinging her poles, chatting up other hikers...but she was truly beat. It was a slow walk back to the car. We paused now and then to take rests, and to snap a picture or two.

Thanks, DaveBear and MadRiver, for the great company. We were very happy to hike with you both.
Congratulations on Owl's Head!

Amazing moose shots! I've encountered moose perhaps half a dozen times on the trails this year, but none of my photos are anywhere as good as these!


Seems like the young moose thought there was a trail up Owl's Head, but couldn't find any blazes and was waiting for Moose Search and Rescue (MSR). Unfortunately, forestgnome was hard at work on Mt. Jefferson, so this moose had to wait!
Great job Trish and Alex. It must feel good to get Owls's head completed. I know I'm not looking really forward to it. I do like the idea of backpacking it. I read how everyone dreads the long mondane trip back down the Wilderness trail. This way it pushes off the long slog to the next day with fresh legs. It's great that MadRiver and Dave Bear were along for the trip. The moose pix were wild.

Huge congratulations to you & Alex for your conquest of Owl’s Head!

Do you have any statistics on how many (if any?) children of Alex’s age have done the trek to Owl’s Head? I would think that it must be a very low number. And if you want to narrow it down even further and throw gender into the mix, then she must belong to a very small & elite group of girls of her age who can lay claim to this accomplishment!
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Thanks, everyone.

Jeremy, I'm pretty sure the only reason I was able to get that shot was because the moose was sick/injured/dehydrated/whatever. It just stood there for hours, while hikers went up and down right past it. Something was up with the poor creature. I wished at the time I could a) figure out what was wrong and b) fix it -- but unfortunately nature is just going to have to take its course. :(

Petch, I have mixed feelings about backpacking Owl's Head. The trails up to the slide are fairly flat the entire way, so even though the mileage is great, it's an easy walk. I'm not sure whether carrying a giant pack full of overnight supplies negates the benefit of walking out the next morning...could be easier to have a much lighter pack and do the whole thing in one day. Not sure.

Tim, thank you!

1HappyHiker, Steve and Dickerman's book say that the youngest kid to do the NH48 was 4 1/2 years old when he finished, so I know Alex is not the youngest person. She may be the youngest female, though. Not sure.

She was very, very tired the next day. It was the most miles in two sequential days she's ever done, so she was one worn out kid at the end of the hike. The Bonds trip was much easier, since we were always finished hiking by noon or 1pm, and could therefore rest the entire rest of the day before getting out there again the next morning.
Hearty congratulations to you!!!
What a great experience for Alex!
Just think: you get to do it all again with Sage when she is ready!!!!!
Hi Sandy,

Thanks for your congratulations!

It would be cool if Sage ever wanted to do the 48. Not sure she ever will though -- for the foreseeable future, it's all about hikes that are 3 miles and under. But that's okay -- whatever works for her, works for me. She enjoys herself when she's out there on hikes that she feels aren't too long, and that's all that matters. I'd be lying if I didn't say it would be super-cool if Alex AND Sage and I were able to head out together in a couple of years, though. But that will be up to Sage (though Alex keeps telling her that she will indeed do the 48 when she is older...Alex really wants her to get out there...we'll just have to wait and see what happens).
Great trip report, and I think that is how I will do Owls Head, as an overnighter.

That moose definitely doesn't look right, hopefully I'm wrong. Maybe it had nothing better to do than enjoy the views from the slide! :)

TrishandAlex, it was a pleasure to meet you two on the trail. Your daughter is a little cutey and my boys were more impressed than I was about her accomplishments to date. My son Eric started the ADK peaks when he was nine years old and he was a strong hiker then so I can only imagine Alex in three years. Best of luck finishing your NH48 and in whatever trails you follow and peaks you bag.
Your son (and your nephew) both looked so strong, proud, and happy, eddie! I meant it -- it seriously looked like the four of you just stepped out of the car. It's a great thing you've been doing -- it is always so nice to see young ones out there and having such a grand time of it. :D
Owl's Head

After all the summits you have bagged on your last three trips, I think the remaining 4 peaks you need to complete the 48 4000 footers will be a "piece of cake" for you and Alex.
Little D:)
Trish and Alex, Very nice trip report and pictures from your hike! I was so pleased when you invited me along. The bushwhack I have been planning off the ridge would have been unwise after a night of heavy rain so it was great to just head out with you two and Mad River. Great company and so much more entertaining than a solo whack. Alex is such a bright little girl overflowing with excitement all day long. She makes up for her short strides with a bigger than life aura and adorable smile. Meanwhile she amazes you by being this miniature hiker that hikes hard with very little rest time and what I thought was a comfortable pace for me with my backpack. What a treat to share the tailend of my vacation on the path with you folks.

I enjoyed taking the high line on the Black Pond bushwhack and coming through by my favorite boulder up there again and coming onto the trail within sight of my path on two previous trips. A little tougher with the heavier foliage than past trips. Nice seeing Lincoln Brook running strong from the rain but still reasonable to cross. It always seems to intensify the adventure when you're following a brook or river while it does its loud dance off the boulders as its rushing downstream.

Very touching moment to pass the young moose calf on the way up the slide. Even cruel events in nature can share their beauty. I certainly hope she found the courage to make her way down through the woods. Such a young age to be stranded alone.

Terrific day to celebrate both summits and spend a peaceful rainless night out on the trail. Also fun coming out Sunday and making the brook crossing for a new perspective. This was made even better watching my little hero half my height doing it soundly under the vigil eye of her mother! You two are an inspirational hiking duo and I had such a nice time. Thank you!:)

I'm tossing my pics in on your thread as it seems the best choice:
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I enjoyed taking the high line on the Black Pond bushwhack and coming through by my favorite boulder up there again and coming onto the trail within sight of my path on two previous trips. A little tougher with the heavier foliage than past trips. Nice seeing Lincoln Brook running strong from the rain but still reasonable to cross. It always seems to intensify the adventure when you're following a brook or river while it does its loud dance off the boulders as its rushing downstream.

Dave, we should have followed you!! I regret choosing to go the other way. Yours was definitely the better whack (as you already knew, but I insisted upon learning the hard way).

We enjoyed your company so much, and we were so happy and pleased that you were able to come along!

Thanks for posting your pictures and videos. They are MUCH better than mine. :D

Jimmy Legs and Little D -- thanks as always for your very kind words!

Eddie, we have the Tripyramids, Flume and Moosilauke left.
TrishandAlex said:
We arrived at the base of the slide in short order -- DaveBear pointed out the entrance, and also a few ways to distinguish the start of this bushwhack/herd path. The ranger who had checked on our site had apparently taken down the cairns that had reportedly been there a couple of hours before. .

Congratulations, especially to Alex on your great and successful hike.

As for the cairns I knew as soon as it was posted that those cairns would be gone before you got there. The quickest way to get rid of cairns or signs in the Owl's Head area is to post it here.

As Lauky and I found out recently, the stream crossings are not only fun, they are refreshing.
Ed, Little D and Dr. D -- thanks for your well wishes.

Dr. D, I haven't yet had the pleasure of meeting you so I do hope you'll join us on Moosilauke if you can!
beautiful TR!

The moose is a yearling female and she's not doing well at all. It was a wonderful encounter for Alex, a nice look a nature that few will see.

You can see winter fur to identify her as a yearling and not a newborn, which wouldn't have any winter fur because they've only been on Earth since spring. Also, newborns are still very light tan right now. ( I saw one yesterday in Pinkham Notch.) Also, yearling bulls have good-sized antler buds at this time. Females tend to have light brown faces, while males have a lot of deep brown, almost black, on their muzzles.

Being a yearling, it's normal for her to be on her own in August. Almost all calves are sent off on their own in springtime, around their first birthday. but this poor girl is way too skinny. She most likely had a bad tick infestation through her first winter. The ticks drain a lot of blood so the body has to devote too much energy toward blood reproduction instead of building muscle and storing fat.

Congrats on a nice overnight hike and thanks for posting!

happy trails :)
Patrick, thank you for contributing to this thread. I appreciate the valuable information.

Unfortunately, I think the young moose has died. A recent trip report here on VFTT states that there is now a dead moose across the lower portion of the Owl's Head slide. I'm assuming it's the same one. :(