Owls Head; Lincoln Woods, Black Pond, ... Brutus, 3/7 & 3/8 2014


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New member
Nov 29, 2012
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Rhode Island (Aquidneck Island)
Owls Head; Lincoln Woods, Black Pond, Black Pond Bushwhack, Lincoln Brook, Brutus Bushwhack .

Date of Hike: 3/8 & 3/9, 2014

Trail Conditions: All trails and bushwhacks hard packed (no recent snow) but soft and deep on edges - stepping off trail to let others passed was often knee deep. All crossings bridged. A few step over blow-downs on BP whack and LB trail, one blow down on Brutus too low to crawl under and high enough to make step over with snow shoes difficult (at least for me). No ice on trails (well one level 5 ft flow section on LB) BTW; met one hiker coming from the Bonds on Friday that said those trails were hard packed also and the best he had seen in years.

Special Equipment Required: LW – Bare boots. BP, BP whack, LB trails all bare bootable or light traction, I chose micro-spikes. Brutus whack has some hard packed (from butt sliding) steep sections that could use more traction – I chose snow shoes (wish I had televators), but others chose crampons and was managed with spikes by at least one hike.

Comments: Great two day bivouac hike for me. I don’t think I could have done it straight through. Hiked in as far as I could pull my pulk Friday afternoon - Camped off LB trail in a gully which was probably on the river and got an early start Saturday (4 am). Lots of hikers on the trails Saturday.

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