Pack Monadnock via Wapack Trail - 5/6

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Date of Hike: 5/6/08

Conditions: Almost perfect. The Wapack Trail is in very nice condition and well blazed. A little muddy in a couple spots but no special care is required as none of it is very deep or overly slippery. Trail very dry in most other spots. Some spring activity trickling down on some rocks but, again, not an issue at all.

Special Equipment: Bug repellent, tis the season.

Comments: No other hikers had been on the trail this morning before me and the only other people on the summit were two guys working on replacing the windows in the fire tower. The Wapack from the parking lot is a very nice hike for people like me who are not in the best physical condition and just getting back into hiking. I didn't take anything close to the beating I took when I attempted Mt. Monadnock two weeks ago. I have a long trip report over on ROT if anyone is interested.


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