Packsaddle Mt - Up Schoolhouse Brook, down SW ridge

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
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Near the Adirondack Blue Line
Very nice whack today. We followed the Schoolhouse Brook route up to the col. The woods road is hard to follow as its grown over in the top 1/3. Followed the woods road to within a few minutes of the summit.
Highlight of the day for me was a new route(for us all) off of PS. Took PS's southwest ridge down until just north of the village of Westkill. The woods were very open. Rocky and 'lumpy' the bottom half but open all the way down. I'm itching to head back up that way during winter.
We got an early start and it was really humid all day. On the way down the clouds started to roll in keeping the early afternoon sun off of us.
Lots of caterpillars in the woods and the woods in places were not the better for it.
Terrific company all day. Bookah drank a lot and mud-puddled wherever she could. Carried a lot of water for both of us. Bugs a non issue.
