Panther Mountain 6-4-09

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Jun 15, 2008
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Blue trail to Bradly Pond very muddy but pretty easy to pick your way around worst areas. Trail to 4 corners a tough slog but also mostly easy to follow. From there to Panther a breeze. Met our first Black flies of the day on summit but then they stayed with us the rest of the hike. Must not get up till noon. We originally planned to go up the path from Blue trail to Santanoni but the bog at the start was more of a lake and we decided to just go to 4-corners and do it that way. Being new to this area we misjudged the difficulty. After milling around at 4- corners figuring out option we settled for the easy jaunt to Panther. We didn't dare try the other two peaks because of time and one of our four knees was unpredictable. Major Bummer!! Now we have to do it all again!! Maybe in the fall it would be drier. Everything I've heard about this area is true. Its remote and hard going. The long walk back had me saying " you know.....maybe being a 40er isn't so bad after all" Remember, use all the rules of caution here and do a bit of research so you know where everything is. To do all three in a day means no time for backtracking and guessing. Chris W. Rochester [email protected]