Parking on the highway Reminder

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In Rembrance , July 2024
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Gorham NH
The storm up in the whites started Wednesday evening and continued drifting well into last evening. Therefore the plow crews were concentrating on keeping roads open and had run a long shift, therefore some parking spots that are normally plowed out may not be on Saturday and in the past there have been folks ticketed for parking on the pavement. Although I suspect that crews will get out later today, no guarantees on spots like the lots south of Pinkham opened up last week which was done with loader not a plow truck. When I drove by the Rocky Branch lot yesterday afternoon around 4:30 PM, it had not been plowed and was plowed in.

I hope that the lots do get opened up but a backup destination is always a good idea.
Would be great if anyone in the WMNF area could comment on parking lot status like peakbagger above re:Rocky Branch in this thread. I drive up from CT in a small car so the latest info on lots is most helpful. Trail reports on NETC have been pretty sparse with the weather. Thanks in advance.
It hard to be super up to date as it changes day by day. Usually with 2 days of a storm what will be plowed is plowed but one day is pushing it.
It hard to be super up to date as it changes day by day. Usually with 2 days of a storm what will be plowed is plowed but one day is pushing it.

I wasn't suggesting someone literally drive around with their laptop with up to the second updates. I just meant for those of you who are locals, drive around the area often and are regulars on VFTT any mention of lot status would be appreciated. Trip Reports lag behind quite a bit and that is generally where lot status can be found. With the weather being lousy a lot of this week there have been few reports online (at least as of last night). It's looking like my last "official" day to winter hike is going to be Mon or Tue so I'd hope most lots will get done but it is late in the season and plowing budgets have been strained this year.