Passaconaway via Downes Brook Slide Trail, 1/03/09

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Downes Brook Trail: First four water crossings on DBT leading to base of old Slide Trail were uncrossable by us as they were not frozen over yet. Lots of deep, cold, rushing, but beautifully green water. We bushwhacked along the east bank which included some tedious sidehilling and stretched ankles.

Beginning of slide route: Dire USFS warnings of multi-thousand dollar fines and/or jail time for those caught maintaining this abandoned trail.

Slide: Way fun! Lots of spectacular low-angle ice. Probably should have switched to crampons but were too lazy, and snowshoe teeth did just fine. One beautiful half frozen waterfall about two-thirds way up open slide. Lovely views abounded.

Above the slide: Perfectly 'styrofoamed' and untracked snow made for excellent snowshoeing up one of the steepest trails in the Whites. A big thumbs up for televators. Couple of pesky blowdowns to negotiate. (Hey, somebody should cut those. Heh heh. Kidding!)

Passaconaway: People! Seven others enjoying the true summit.

Passaconaway Cutoff/Ovarian Brook Trail: Shallow postholes most of the way down. We much preferred our ascent route!

Bohica and Mama Nookie


"Perhaps the book of life, in the end, is the book of what one has lived and if one has lived nothing, he is not in the book of life."

Thomas Merton, A Search for Solitude