Paths up MacNaughton?

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Sep 19, 2003
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Anyone know if there are any good routes up MacNaughton, particularly from the Duck Hole - Henderson Lake trail?
There is a herd path from the Henderson / Preston Ponds / Duck Hole side of McNaughton. It leaves from the trail at what he guidebook describes as the "reamins of Piche's lumber camp," 4.7 miles from Upper Works Parking. The site features a clearing where there is a large iron pulley on the ground, and the tril reaches a substantial brook which flows from McNaughton.

The herd path remains S of the brook, going first through level woods, and then climbing a ridge, with the brook in a deep ravine alongside. A long area of blowdown is encountered. The path basically bores straight through the blowdown, and it works pretty well. You'll waste a lot of time if you try to go around.

Eventually, the brook becomes quite small, and the path is in and out of the brook. There is an obvious point where the brook abruptly ends (disappears into the ground). Here, the path breaks left and then uphill. There was occasional orange flagging on this section a couple years ago. The path will bring you onto the ridge of McNaughton. Turn West for views and the highest point.

TCD, awesome post!

Thanks for the guided tour, I'm going to save this info for next year when I may climb this one myself :).
Just a little aditional note, I did MacNaughton with several friends about a month and a half ago.

We did basically the same route described by TCD, except we just followed the stream from its junction with the Duck Hole via Henderson Lake trail.

The only remains of a camp we saw was a big cooking pot rusting in the middle of the trail where it meets the brook.

There is still orange flagging at the top of the brook.

The trail breaks left at the first false summit.

It takes a little time to find the summit sign, but it's still there.

Try following the stream all the way down, makes for a great scramble.

Have a great trip, hope you get good weather.

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Thanks TCD and JBrown. How long did it take you guys to get up and down from leaving the main trail?
I can't remeber exactly, but it was several hours (like 5?). Going was a little slow in the blowdown secetions, and then we spent some time on top scouting out the views, and looking to see if there was any obvious path toward the Wallface Ponds side, which we couldn't really confirm.
TCD said:
I can't remeber exactly, but it was several hours (like 5?). Going was a little slow in the blowdown secetions, and then we spent some time on top scouting out the views, and looking to see if there was any obvious path toward the Wallface Ponds side, which we couldn't really confirm.

There isn't a path on the Wallface Pond side, at least I wasn't able to find one when I bushwhacked up MacNaughton for that side this past summer.
Sorry, I didn't see the question yesterday...
From the Upper Works trailhead, my friend Mick and I did it in 8.5 hours car to car. We ran about 2.5-3 miles of the way back to the car and subsequently were about 1/2 hour faster than the main body of our group.