Peaked Hill Pond via Peaked Hill Pond Trail (05-Jul-2009)

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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2007
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Whitefield, NH
Trail Conditions:

Although this trail begins on private land, the trail is predominately on WMNF land. And so, I was amazed that I had to step off the trail several times to allow passage of groups of folks on ATVs who were also en route to Peaked Hill Pond.:eek:

The Peaked Hill Pond Trail is legally used by snowmobiles in winter. ATV's are allowed on snowmobile trails when ground is frozen and snow covered. However, the WMNF is closed to off-road vehicles during summer months.

I spoke by phone with the Pemi Ranger District’s Law Enforcement Officer about this incident. As I sort of anticipated, I was told that since this trail begins on private land, it complicates erection of effective ATV barricades at the trailhead. Also, before any fines can be levied, the violators must be caught in the act. And understandably, the WMNF simply doesn’t have the staff to monitor this trail on a full-time basis. However, I’ve been assured that the Forest Service is going to investigate and will take some type of action to hopefully prevent further use of this trail by ATVs.

Anyway, the trail is in good condition overall, but there are some areas where there’s large pools of standing water where the ATV traffic has rutted the trail and interrupted the channels that normally direct the flow of water off the trail.

Some photos and additional commentary about this hike is located in the Trip Reports forum. (Click HERE)