Peaked Mtn, Aroostook Co. Maine

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Papa Bear

New member
Sep 3, 2003
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New York City
I'm due to be at an event in northeast Maine the first week in August. So I'm 90% sure I'm going to climb Peaked Mtn. on Saturday Aug 1st. (Aug. 2nd is a backup date if unforseen or impossible conditions ensue). It's a long drive, so I hope to make it up to somewhere north of Bangor (East Millinocket?) on Friday night to get an early Saturday start.

For those not in the know, it's rather remote: about 30 miles of logging roads and a trek over overgrown (or lost) woods roads and a good bit of a bushwhack. So it's not for the faint of heart. The guy looking for a new car to go on rough roads could perhaps try it out here :D.

If there is time, I Hope to climb Mars Hill (an easy walk up) which gets the first sunrise in the lower 48 during the summer months (I won't make it by sunrise - maybe sunset :rolleyes: ). Probably I'll stay in Presque Isle.

Anyone interested? If you're tired of paved roads and trails, this one's for you!

Any one recommend a place to stay in the Presque Isle / Mars Hill locale?
I've finalized my preparations for this trip. I'm going to drive up from the Boston area on Friday and (probably) stay in Millinocket. It's the last place I know where there are places to sleep and eat, although I may investigate what lies further up.

Anyone who has been up way know? I really don't want to camp since I'm taking the bus to Boston and can't carry my complete kit.

I hope to get a real early start Sunday so I can get into the woods by 9:00 AM. I will make an extra effort (as in carrying a metal detector) to find the triangulation station and the 2 reference markers. I will also search for the county corner marker, a few logging roads to the west. Without these extra incentives it's just another bushwhack with no view. Oh yeah, it's CoHP, whatever. :cool:

Then I'm heading for Calais via Presque Isle and down Route 1. I hope to recover the Initial Boundary Monument in Amity on the way. Mars Hill is also on the way but I may skip it since I want to get to Calais before my B&B locks up for the night. If Peaked Mtn takes longer than expected and Calais becomes impossible, I may do Mars Hill after all and stop for the night in Houlton and proceed to the Initial Monument and thence to Calais Monday morning.

Since the response here has been underwhelming, this looks like a solo trip. If any one changes his/her mind let me know.

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