Peggy O'Brien trip - 3/19

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alistair said:
Anyone going on this trip interested in climbing on Sunday 3/19?

I think Laurie and I are going to hike Saturday and then use Sunday as a day of rest. Of course, we still have to carry all our gear into the Camp!

This reminds me, if people want to park their car at the AMR parking lot Sunday, they could access the JBL over peaks such as Wolf Jaws, Gothics, or Armstrong. I would only do this if the weather was very cooperative. Then they could walk out Wednesday to the Garden and get a ride back to their car.
I'm climbing Saturday, but would like to climb either Big Slide or Lower WJ on the Sunday. Anyone interested?
Hi Guys,
I'll probably be sleeping in my car.What time do you plan to leave The Garden?
alistair said:
Hi Guys, I'll probably be sleeping in my car.What time do you plan to leave The Garden?

We plan to leave around 10:30. I will send everyone the combination to the lock when I get it. Please do not go in before Noon, unless there is either no one there, or you get permission from the occupants.
A hiker who is not a registered user would like to be kept aware of anyone's plans to hike Sunday. Her name is Kerry Shea, and her email is:

k s h e a @ s m c v t . e d u

She's a strong hiker, especially going up! :D

She doesn't mind walking back out alone from the JBL.
We're probably going to make the haul up from PA on Saturday into the evening. We may crash at Slam and Ward's camp and be up there early Sunday. Otherwise we may join you in the car camp fest Saturday night :)
I would have LOVED to climb with you Saturday otherwise. My sister and I both climb.
I'd be up for slide or jaws on Sunday. I'd like to do Gothics or Saddleback if the weather is good Monday.
We're going to be bailing out Tuesday morning to head back to PA unfortunately. It'll still be a great time tho!
You are more than welcome to join me in the Garden Parking Loton Saturday night. I am not planning a big day of climbing on Sunday, but I'd love the company.
I also have to walk out on Tuesday morning.

Dillsburg? ..... My wife used to live there ..... she went to Messiah College.
cantdog said:
Whatever time is estimated for a 12 noon arrival at the cabin. Pete will be bringing a sled full of groceries so I'll go with whatever time he chooses.

Hey Pete, old buddie, old pal! Is there room for any more groceries on that sled? :D :D

Are you guys going up and over Big Slide or dropping the gear at/near the Cabin and then going up? Given the sled, I would expect you are going to the Cabin area first.

Seriously, maybe we could share the sled hauling duties?
Haystack and Basin

For those interested in these two peaks during this trip there is an Albany chapter ADK hike planned for Haystack, Basin and Saddleback on 3/18 which may make the route via the Phelps trail past Slant Rock somewhat more desirable than going up CCB. Once atop Basin however one can still choose the CCB route as an exit or go back over Shorey's (CCB saves some mileage). I have corresponded with a couple of folks who did the CCB recently and they all were happy they had. One group did Basin alone and used CCB for both directions. Either way unless there is a significant change in conditions on 3/19, these peaks should have a pretty well trodden path.
Hmmmm... I wasn't planning on planning. We're at The Hostel the night before, and I was thinking of deciding on what time to leave, based on how we feel after Saturday's hike.....

I hate committments. Gotta think on this.

I'm working at keeping the sled under 100 pounds. No way am I hauling that over the Brothers and Big Slide. I'm kind of going all-out.. for example, I'll be bringing in my cast iron tortilla press.... Fresh made tortillas are so much nicer than store-bought ones.

I'll be doing a packing run this weekend, and I'll have an idea of the weight. If I get it under 80 pounds, I'll have excess room.

But I still don't know what time...Still not sure how I'm getting to the Garden. My car doesn't like that road at all in winter. We've had some bad experiences there. I hate having to make plans and stick to them, but I guess that's life.
MMmmmm Yummy Pete,
I have a yummy rice and black bean tortilla recipe that could go into those tortillas depending if you were thinking of making them for everyone or not...I'm not yet sure how the whole food thing works.
Everyone is talking about sleds. My sister and I, well, this will be our first winter trip, I wasn't sure about bringing some sort of sled or not, we were just going to carry all our stuff, but we can carry whatever food to help out the cause.
Pete_Hickey said:
Hmmmm... I wasn't planning on planning. We're at The Hostel the night before, and I was thinking of deciding on what time to leave, based on how we feel after Saturday's hike.....

I hate committments. Gotta think on this.

I'm working at keeping the sled under 100 pounds. No way am I hauling that over the Brothers and Big Slide. I'm kind of going all-out.. for example, I'll be bringing in my cast iron tortilla press.... Fresh made tortillas are so much nicer than store-bought ones.

I'll be doing a packing run this weekend, and I'll have an idea of the weight. If I get it under 80 pounds, I'll have excess room.

But I still don't know what time...Still not sure how I'm getting to the Garden. My car doesn't like that road at all in winter. We've had some bad experiences there. I hate having to make plans and stick to them, but I guess that's life.

Pete, I'm not bringing my cast iron anything! :eek: :D

I think we'll just pack in our own stuff, and not hassle you any further. Why mess with a man with an axe? :eek:

This reminds me, I need to start another thread, on logistics. We'll discuss who is bringing what from the 'not provided' list. This will help us share things like dish soap, garbage bags, matches, etc.

Also, we can talk about car pooling, and where to park if the Garden is not accessible. I see a lot of snow/rain in the forecast for the next 10 days.
Dory said:
MMmmmm Yummy Pete,
I have a yummy rice and black bean tortilla recipe that could go into those tortillas depending if you were thinking of making them for everyone or not...I'm not yet sure how the whole food thing works.
Everyone is talking about sleds. My sister and I, well, this will be our first winter trip, I wasn't sure about bringing some sort of sled or not, we were just going to carry all our stuff, but we can carry whatever food to help out the cause.

See other thread. coming soon....
I'nm not organized to do any group cooking this time. I have my 'small fancy' meals planned and that's it. I was planning on being independant of everyone else. Since there are many different hikes planned, and several groups going off, logistics can be tough.

Tom. I wasn't planning on bringing my axe. Should I? I was thinking about my guitar. Wonder if I can strap it to my sled, and not squish it when the sled turns over.
I dunno if this is the right Peggy O thread but who is hiking what on Tuesday?
I just might be able to hike on that day (last day of winter and all that) and if not doing a HH would be game to hike in my cast iron snowshoes over the Great Range. They do double duty as a tortilla press and pancake pan but you need a pretty big fire.
One question: precisely where is Camp Peggy O'Brian? (I'm not kidding. About the snowshoes either)
alistair said:
Peggy O' camp is accross the brook from Johns Brook Lodge.

The weather and how we feel will largely determine my hiking plans.

There are signs to the camp as well.

BTW, Neil, there is yet another thread on this trip allegedly for the hikes we are doing while we are out there.

if you want, there is still a bunk open for Monday night, if you want to walk in and spend the night with us, and try to convince us to hike with you! :D

Howard and Yard are close by, as I'm sure you know.