Pemi - Loop 1 or 2 nights?

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Nov 18, 2004
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Hikin' the scree on Shasta....
Trying to plan a possible pemi loop for weekend of 10/1 (BTW looking for someone to come along as well)

I have done the franconia and garfield sections of this - but have not done the bonds. I am debating on weather to hike in a bit on a friday night and camp - maybe at liberty springs - the more I think of this - it almost doesn't seem worth it. It seems it would make more sense to get an real ealry start sat am and push for guyot. and then hike the remainder on sunday with another early start.

any pros or cons appreciated.
My only suggestion would be maybe spending the night at Garfield Ridge instead or at least see how you feel when you get to Garfield Ridge and consider staying there. If you can make it to Guyot, the next days trip will be pretty easy but, there's no reason to kill yourself getting there.
You would be at Liberty Springs fairly quickly - probably less than two hours for you. This would make me more inlcined to hit the trail as early as you can on Saturday and push on. It seems easier to me than trying to break camp and get moving from LS.
Doublebow has a good point about where to camp for the night...Guyot and out over the Bonds is not too tough in a day, so considering staying at Garfield Ridge may make the effort of the two days more equal where as staying at Guyot will make day one tough and day two easier...
Wish I could go...
yea - that might be better - (garfield tentsite) - thanks. I was thinking guyot was a bit closer to garfeild ridge than I originally thought. I lost my freakin franconia/pemi map - haven't bought a new one yet.
Piece of Cake

For a 1 nighter, my plan is to go in at Bond (counter clockwise) rather than Flume and go all the way to Garfield. Except for the a little bit on the Garfield Ridge Trail it's an easy hike... 17 miles? Camp @ Garfield.

My plan would be to spend an entire day at Garfield on day 2 if possible. Visit Hawthorne Falls, Flat Top Mountain, Garfield Pond, possible Redrock Pond. Then hike out across Franconia Ridge Trail on day 3.

If you can hike Rainier you can make it to Garfield in a day. The Bonds really are easy. I would definitely go to West Bond.

I might be interested in joining you. As you and probably everyone else knows, I seem to be having trouble making definite plans these days though.

-Dr. Wu
dr_wu002 said:
Except for the a little bit on the Garfield Ridge Trail it's an easy hike... 17 miles? Camp @ Garfield.
Isn't that a little like saying that falling off of a 17-story building isn't so bad except for the last 6 feet when you hit the pavement? :D
The last pitch to Garfield campsite is very steep. I backpacked there via North Twin once and having to do that last uphill after only 10 miles was bad enough, but maybe you're in better shape than I was back then.
Still, if you have the time, I say take it easy and enjoy extra time at all of the summits and other outlooks along the way. This is not a trip to be rushed!