Pemi Loop

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Feb 27, 2004
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I am planning on a Pemi Loop to finish up my 48 on the Bonds. I would like to do a 4 day 3 night backpack. I want to do it clockwise, so I finish on the Bonds. My plan is to hike in Lincoln Woods, Osseo to Flume, Liberty, and down to Liberty Springs for night #1. Back up to Franconia Ridge, over Haystack, Lincoln, Lafayette and & Garfield, then camping at Garfield Ridge Campsite for night #2. Then over to Galehead, South Twin, maybe North, and down to Guyot to camp for night #3. Then 'The Bond's'!! Whoo Hoo! Out via Bondcliff and Lincoln Woods.
Any suggestions or warnings or advice? This will be done sometime during the timeframe of August 5th through August 12th.
I have been looking forward to this for a while, and am REALLY looking forward to backpacking again, it has been far too long.
Thanks in advance :) Christine
do you need N Twin? If so you are so close, just go get it. I passed by and had regrets..I had to come back later to pick it up for my list. From S Twin to Guyot the trail is easy and has great scenery.

Good luck
Nope, I've done it 3 times...
I may only be finishing my 48, but I've done many of them many times. I only need all 3 Bond's. I chose for them to be last.
Can't wait to have that photo op on Bondcliff!!! :D