Pharaoh Mt. 6/30/09

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Emil K.

We hiked Pharaoh Mt from Crane pond. First off the road into the trailhead is tough! If you have a low clearance car be carefull the road is full of holes and rocks.Near the end the road is flooded so you need a high clearance truck to go through it.
From where we parked the trail is marked with yellow markers around the swamp back to the road,from there follow the road to crane pond. Now the trail is marked with red markers and is easy to follow. Take a right at the first junction and pass Glidden marsh with a good view of Pharaoh mt. As you climb the trail gets alittle hard to follow and gets wet and rocky and slippery,remember this trail gets very little use. When you get to the top you will be between two summits.The true summit is to the right.
We got lucky and the sun was out all the time we were on the summit!The views from the top are great! You can see from Crane mt in the south to the High Peaks to the north.And if you explore some you will find great views of Pharaoh Lake and Treadway Mt to the east and part of Lk Champlain and all the other mts & lakes & ponds.Pharaoh Mt is a little gem.
On the way back the sky grew dark and soon it was a downpour with a mile to go. Remember rain gear and good boots.O, I almost forgot the bugs were CRAZY! Mosquitos and deer flies! Don't forget your bug dope!
Enjoy the wilderness! "Take only memories,Leave only footprints"