Pico on Wednesday 4 Mar?


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New member
Jan 31, 2008
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Norwich, VT
Seeking hiking companions for an ascent of Pico on Wednesday, taking either the ski slope or the Sherburne Pass trail up and bringing a swiss-bob for descent via the ski slope.

- I can likely offer a couch to crash on if you're traveling from a ways away
- 3 extra "Quicky Sleds" are available for use
- will entertain the addition of other peaks if desired
Seeking hiking companions for an ascent of Pico on Wednesday, taking either the ski slope or the Sherburne Pass trail up and bringing a swiss-bob for descent via the ski slope.

- I can likely offer a couch to crash on if you're traveling from a ways away
It's funny you mention 'crash' and these sleds in the same post! :D

They work almost too well! I came flying down Halcott yesterday on one, and managed to just barely avoid the trees. :D
It's funny you mention 'crash' and these sleds in the same post!

The wonder of the ski slope is its lack of obstacles! I will admit though that steering takes a bit of practice... having all 4 limbs free for flailing has kept me out of trouble. :p