Pikes Peak, CO


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Mar 19, 2005
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Enfield, CT
Our family will be in Colorado Springs early August. I have promised my son a hike to the summit of Pikes Peak. We will acclimate in Colorado Springs for several days first. Any help with websites, hiking strategies, starting points etc. Most of our stuff is tourist oriented about the Cog, auto road etc...there is one group that brings you up with bikes and lets you ride down...I could go for that!!...back to subject... Also, any advice on gear, timing of hike..I have been adviced to start early to avoid Rocky Mtn T-storms in the pm. Thanks in advance..ctsparrow
This looks like good info. We were planning a trip to Co & Az, starting at Co Springs and I looked into Pikes. Barr Camp may be booked, but you can take the train to the short trail to Barr Camp and attempt the summit from there. Bottom to top is something like 12 miles and 7200' :eek: .
Pikes Peak

Having been out to CO last summer, the need to start early should not be under-estimated. Lightning is a huge risk and the general rule of thumb is be back in the tress by 1300 (1:00 pm) at the latest, noon is better. Longs Peak in RMNP is a little bit longer (14 or so miles) and has a little more elevation gain (I believe), but most dayhikers start between 0300 and 0400 depending on their fitness level.

You should be fine in normal summer attire (i.e t-shirt and short/pants). Bring some insulation and a light rain coat. Coming from the flat east, be prepared to drink more water than you think. Even if you spend some time acclimatizing (give yourself at least 2 days) the air at that elevation is SUPER dry. The first couple of days in RMNP I was drinking 200 + oz of water a day. I normally drink more water than others but several in my group suffered from the effects of dehydration. This can sap your energy quickly. Plan to snack quite a bit as well, your body will be working very hard.

The websites mentioned by oldsmores are both quality sites with good information.

Good luck and enjoy.
Ditto what everyone else said.

I climbed Pikes in July '05 and actually enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expected. Realize that it's kind of like the Mt. Washington of Colorado, with a road, a cog railroad, a "hut" halfway up, and a cafeteria on the summit. Bring some money and plan on getting some mac & cheese or DONUTS on top--the donuts are made up there and are quite yummy (and I don't even really like donuts). :)

I started from Manitou Springs, i.e. the bottom, via the Barr Trail. If you are planning to do the same, you should get to the Barr Trail parking lot very early because it fills quickly, and the cog parking is for their customers only. Although the trail is never as steep as any route on Mt. Washington, it is still a long 7000 feet up.

I have done Pikes via the Barr trail and the Crags route. I would suggest the Crags route for the following reasons. The Barr trail is long and BUSY while the Crags route is shorter ( aprox 12 miles round trip) and it is quiet. Another advantage to the Crags route is there is a campground right at the trailhead and the campground sits at about 10,000ft, this is very helpfull in the aclimating process for easteners. I will say this though, the Barr trail is not a bad route in itself, so long as you dont mind gaining 7000ft elv. and having alot of company while doing it. You can figure on 6 hrs (average) for the ascent of the Barr, given that you should be out of thunderstorm reach by noon or so, many start the hike at 4.00 am or so. Even if you dont stay at Barr camp, you can water up there anyway.
I believe you said you dont want to walk down? Id take the Cog railway down if thats the case, quite a nice ride, throug some beautifull forest. I believe they sell one way tickets and they can be bought at the railway station in advance.