Pine Marten Mt Field

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In Rembrance , July 2024
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
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Gorham NH

I much prefer Tim's photos of them raiding day packs at the Mt Tom spur on AZ trail from a few years back but good to see they are still out an about.

Here is older thread

The video of the tame one is pretty good. It sure looked to me that if he made the wrong move, he might end up with a missing finger

There is a lot of research directed at them. i read a report that the Vermont populations are isolated with significant lack of genetic diversity. The NH populations apparently are more diverse. No doubt having a nearly undeveloped strip of therie preferred habitat from the Canadian border well into central NH helps.
Several years back I dropped my pack on my way to the Mt Tom summit. Came back to find a pine marten sniffing around. Followed him for a while but he was too quick, I couldn't get a decent photo, and couldn't follow off-trail since my snowshoes were on my pack. Soon discovered the wily beast had circled back and was tearing right through my pack to steal my lunch! if you see duct tape patches on my winter daypack, now you know why.

Here you can see one of the holes, in the red fabric by the top snowshoe buckle:

edit: heh, I misremembered the sequence of events slightly. Here's the story as I wrote it at the time: (scroll down to near the bottom or Ctr-F for "spurred on by increasing hunger" for the pine marten scene)
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Those photos of the martens on the pack is what I remember, I just had the wrong name. Pinkham used to have a resident marten and reportedly they are the scourge of backcountry sites in the ADKS.

I was near that junction within the last two years in winter and I could see plenty of tracks that I presume to be marten tracks in the area.
... and reportedly they are the scourge of backcountry sites in the ADKS.
The Uphill leanto is particularly 'famous' for Pine Martens. I was sitting in the leanto one winter day, taking a short break, and in s/he came, to steal whatever s/he could from my pack!