Pitchoff Mtn ridge walk - 30 Mar 2008


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30 Mar 2008

Trail Conditions: lots of snow, including some very deep powder. Trail is well broken-out up to Balance Rocks. When we arrived at the junction, nobody had been up to the summit proper, but by the time we remobilized, someone had come down the ridge from the other direction, meaning that the trail was somewhat broken. Lots of deep powder on the ridge, and the warm temperatures made it slushy. East end of the trail had some very slick and steep sections where traction was impossible even with crampons, and sliding was the only option.

Special Equipment Required: Snowshoes - required. Stabilicers - optional but useful. Crampons - I didn't use mine, because the snow was deep, but it was slushy enough that I was debating it all day long. Sunglasses - required. Lots of glare from the snow.

Comments: Just a beautiful day in the mountains. We had a great time at the W46er Gathering Saturday night, and took out an ADK Laurentian Chapter outing to Pitchoff. Not a cloud in the sky all day long. Perfect.

Your name: Hollis Easter
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