pitchoff mtn trailhead?


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Sep 19, 2003
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clinton, ny "avatar:Bailey"
looking at the map, there are 2 trailheads to do this climb. which one would be better (especially in the winter). Also, becouse there is sort of a loop, is the summit marked? I would hate to go by the summit and have to backtrack. the parking area by cascade will probably be crowded.
Someone will probably have better information but I don't believe the summit was marked ~10 years ago when I was there. It seemed to be pretty obviously the high point, though.

I've never parked at the lower trailhead but the upper one will (obviously) save you elevation and probably distance if your primary goal is the summit. There are a few steep sections to negotiate before the turnoff for the Balanced Boulders (don't miss this if visibility is good).
I've been through there many times in both directions. Most people refer to the "five summits" of Pitchoff, because that's about how many bumps there are along the way. I think the highest summit is the second one from the East end (I'd check topozone, but my work web connection filters it).

I never really worried about the summit, because I usually am doing the through trip. I believe that the distance to the summit is shorter from the lower (East) trailhead, but the elevation change is probably less from the higher (West) trailhead.

The whole route is extremely worthwhile. All of the "summits", and many spots in between, have excellent views in one or another, or sometimes both directions. The South view is spectacular, of the lakes and Cascade; the north view is equally nice of the Sentinel Range. In addition to the summits, there are also several lookouts to the lakes along the section from the Western trailhead to the Balanced Rocks.

If the trail has not been broken, it could be pretty time consuming. In addition to the up and down, the trail takes several, hard to predict, sudden turns along the ridge. If you don't know it well, you will have to be really careful to watch markers. There is quite a bit of open rock, and a lot of things will look like trail in the current snow conditions. In the summer, it's a quick blast, and fun to run.

If you are considering a loop trip, take a good look at road conditions. The road through Cascade Pass is somewhat dangerous to walk even in the summer, and could be quite dangerous now. If you can get two cars it would be safer.

Have fun! Pitchoff is a lot of people's favorite!

Last winter we did Pitchoff as a through hike from East to West and yes the trail was difficult to find in a couple of spots due to it being indicated by paint marks on the rock hidden under the snow (some were blown clean) and taking an unexpected twist and turn or two.

We left our car at the east end and hitch-hiked back to it. It took 15 minutes to get a ride (which I consider long compared to previous experience). It isn't easy for cars to stop as they come whisteling around the corner at the Cascade TH.

Maybe THIS will serve to whet your appetite.

It's a great hike. Make sure you check out that balancing rock.
KILLER pictures, Neil. Thanks! I recognize most of those spots, and you really captured them well. Everyone will want to do that hike after seeing those. It's (almost) enough to make me cancel ice climbing and snowshoe the ridge on Sunday. Nice!

I did the traverse two weeks ago, and it' simply THE BEST ! We parked the car at the west parking lot, walked the road (50 minutes), and did the Traverse in 5 hours. The road is not too bad IMO, as long as you stay on the side :eek:

Have fun, and hopefully the trail will be broken :)

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More great pics! Wow! Thanks!

You really can't go wrong on that hike. It is very moderate, and has almost constant views.

If you like that sort of thing (moderate loop hikes with lots of views) consider Nundagao Ridge. A summer bushwhack up the East Ridge of Round Mountain, and then over to Noonmark, is another favorite.

Not only visit the balanced rocks but between them as well. As you approach the balanced rocks look to the right of them, there's a small dike in the ridge. Climb down 8 feet into the dike and follow it out to the left. You will comeout to a overhang on the side of the mountain. Best spot on the mountain, guaranteed!!!

The true summit is obvious, you can see it from the balanced rocks, it's the only wooded summit on the ridge, go figure.