Plateau Mountain via Long Path (from Silver Hollow Road)

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S & J

Climbed the "new" trail from col between Silver Hollow Mtn. and Plateau - what a great job everybody did in putting that trail together - the views were incredible the whole way up.
Conditions were generally quite snowy - few icy patches but wore snowshoes the entire way to Plateau - carried crampons but never had to think about using them. As expected snow depths increased with elevation - some wind blown drifts were well over 2 feet deep. For the most part fresh snow only amounted to a fluffy 6 inches over the compressed older snow below so there wasn't a lot of sinking in except for in the drifts.
Hemlock forest on lower limb of Plateau was covered in a fresh few inches of snow - very beautiful. Trees in the last 500 ft up to the top of Plateau were covered in rime ice - completely white. Ice fog descended on us as we left the summit. Temps were probably around 30 degrees - maybe 10 degrees less up top. We broke trail the entire way - nobody had been up there since at least the latest snow on 2/16. One note - we came up from the Silver Hollow Road side of the col (not from Notch Inn) to intersect the Long Path - we parked at the dead end at the end of Silver Hollow Road.