Presidental Traverse Snowshoe Query

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Jan 27, 2005
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Presidential Traverse Snowshoe Query

I'm from New York and so wouldn't dare ask this question in-state. A friend and I are planning a 2 day traverse this weekend and we are looking to keep the packs as light as possible. Does anyone have thoughts, based on recent conditions in the Southern Presidentials, if we are likely to seriously regret leaving the snowshoes in the car? I know its been a low snow year, but I haven't been up to the Whites since early December. Thanks all. - Al
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I'd bring them even if recent trail reports and weather forecasts suggest that they won't be needed. Wind can cover a packed trail real fast up there, and it'll be windy through the next few washington observatory

Also, if you need to bail and head down, or if you loose the trail and need to search for it, you'll need the snowshoes. In windy conditions, those packed trails can dissappear completely.

Happy Trails!
As was just said, even if the ridge is clear (and it often is) bail out routes often aren't. And if you get pushed off trail (which is a real possibility) you'll want them. The extra weight is a pain, but they can really come in handy and the cost of not having them when you need them is pretty high.

The Backcountry trail conditions is updated daily.

Sometimes I'd prefer wearing snowshoes even if the trail is hardpack vs crampons because they're more comfortable for me. I remember going up the Airline one day and the trail was a frozen sidewalk but when we bailed on the Upper Bruin trail the snow was chest deep and I was glad to have them for the short trip over to Valley Way.
As others have noted, snowshoes may be required for some of the bail-out routes. There at least one section of the traverse--between Pierce and Eisenhower--which frequently has deep snow.


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