Pressie Traverse 2x on Sunday

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Mats Roing

New member
Feb 15, 2007
Reaction score
Brighton, MA
This project starts by going up Jackson Trail and do a south to north pressie. At Appalachia we (JasonPatrikz, Tim Seaver and me) turn around and head back the other way back to Crawford Notch. Starting at 2am Sunday morning at Jackson Trail TH. We also place a car at the cog railway in case.....
We hope that giggy will set up a BBQ on top of Madison :rolleyes:
Tomorrow Saturday will be spent dancing and making offerings to Thor and Odin ;)
Anyone is welcome to join in at any point along the way!
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I'd rather do it that way than the usual miserable car spot. Good Luck.

-Dr. Wu
Report from the rock:
"Things will be mostly clear tomorrow ( Sunday) but cooler as the high builds and crests over the state. The only clouds may be a few fair weather cumulus dotting the skies overnight and early Sunday.


Mostly clear.

Highs: lower 50s°F

Wind: NW 15-30 mph
Minty forecast! Looks like another stellar day in the Extreme Playground!
Good luck! I'm planning to bring my husband up the Caps Ridge, over to Washington, and down the Jewell tomorrow so you may see us. Although, my husband doesn't know about this plan yet so you may just see me. Forecast looks too good to pass up.
Development......we started at 1:46am....slightly earlier than expected......when we came up on Ike.....the wind was blowing real good and there was some was around 4:25am by now....looked forward to get to Lakes of the Cloud to get warm......anyway Tim will surely put a nice Trip Report with pix on so I won't steal the thunder.

Anyhow, I bailed out at Appalachia for various excuses a bit after noon. We had 10hrs and change for the first leg. Strongmen Jason and Tim turned around and went back up Madison again. Haven't heard from them since.....they are probably in recovery mode. They had a car at the cog railway and I drove Tim's car back to Crawford Notch. Expect to hear from them today. Stay tuned for a trip report from Tim with pix :)
Boy, just a single Traverse in 10 hours, you must feel like a failure.


Can't wait to hear from the others. We were on Liberty and Flume on Sunday and the weather was perfect. The Presidentials looked close enough to touch.
David Metsky said:
Boy, just a single Traverse in 10 hours, you must feel like a failure.


Can't wait to hear from the others. We were on Liberty and Flume on Sunday and the weather was perfect. The Presidentials looked close enough to touch.

Just talked to Tim and Jason, they are back, alive and well under the circumstances. They made it back before midnight and clocked in just under 22 hours for the double. Tim is putting up a Report soon.
Oh by the way, did I mention that Jason did Flume and Liberty Saturday morning as a warm-up :eek: ......and then went to work at 5am this morning :eek: :eek: :eek:
Mats Roing said:
...Tim is putting up a Report soon...

Oh great, he's gonna post a report about doing a double presi traverse in 22 hours. And he'll probably compound the "insult" by posting calendar quality pictures which make mine look like 3rd grade crayon scribbles. Thanks for rubbing it in. :)

I'd love to see the look on the face of anyone at LOC Hut who might've seen them pass by both ways. Amazing.
TR in the works

Just a note: I am putting together a trip report, but of course it's turning into a novel, adding a bit of the route history ( And today is my wife's b-day, so I won't be working on until later this evening)

It was great to hike with Mats again and meet Jason, they were both great company for this adventure. I should have the TR up by tonight or tomorrow AM.
{ dvbl, I only brought a P&S on this trip, so hopefully the insult won't be too extreme ;) }