proposed Acquisition of Temple Mountain as new state park.

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Jan 1, 2005
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Proposed Acquisition of Temple Mountain as new state park.

I'm in Friends of the Wapack. I received an email today containing the attached link to Division of Parks and Recreation web page outlining Temple Mountain Project. In the words of the site:

"The Division of Parks and Recreation is working cooperatively with the Monadnock Conservancy and local and state officials on the proposed acquisition of Temple Mountain as a new state park."

The site contains an emailable comment form concerned people can use to send them your comments concerning your support of the project. At one point the property was put up for sale and had been marketed heavily as condo resort/golf, etc. So I think it's important for VFTT members to consider voicing their support.

Not much time to respond. Deadline is Sept 15, 2006 to submit comments.
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This very nice area is only 5 miles from my home. Skied there 6 years ago, sad to see another family oriented small ski area gone forever. As much as the state park system is struggling, it's a much better alternative to condos and other development. It would seem to be a good twin for Miller State Park on S. Pack. Sunsets from this range over Monadnock are worth the price of admission.(see my avatar) :D

My email has been sent!
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Join Friends of Wapack if you're already not member

Join Friends of Wapack if you're already not member. If there's trails you like or would like, you can work directly on them by joining the trail crew of Friends of Wapack. Entire Wapack is maintained by volunteer trail adopters. I don't think the state lifts much of any fingers to maintain trails in these regions - except maybe Monadnock. If you love cross-country skiing you will have an opportunity to adopt ski trails that are there and keep them from returning to wild.

Ray Caron
Wapack trail is real nice there. I believe there are 3 peaks on Temple, the sub peaks are something and something. I heard before that there used to be a parallel cross country ski trail next to the wapack, or in and out of it. That would be nice if they did that again, if that truly existed.
hikerfast said:
Wapack trail is real nice there. I believe there are 3 peaks on Temple, the sub peaks are something and something. I heard before that there used to be a parallel cross country ski trail next to the wapack, or in and out of it. That would be nice if they did that again, if that truly existed.
IIRC, a short section of the Wapack trail was used as part of their XC ski trails--I skied it a number of years ago. It went from the top of the top lift to another high point to the E or S.

audrey said:
There are some backcountry trails on the south side of Holt Peak that someone has been maintaining, just a few minutes' bushwhack from the Wapack Trail. They connect with the XC trails.

Burton is the other named subpeak.

They were in pretty good shape this past spring. They probably see some ATV traffic in the summer and fall.