pub hike, last minute, Somerville/Cambridge, MA

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New member
Sep 13, 2008
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White Mountains, NH
Can't go to the Whites this weekend, so I think I'm gonna have me a pub hike right here in Somerville/Cambridge instead.

Goal -- hike a roundtrip 7-8 miles, stopping at two or three pubs along the way.

Won't drink more than one beer at each pub, don't want to become too intoxicated.

Will stay along streets so if intoxication DOES become a problem, cab can easily be called.

If anyone wants to join me, send me a pm.

Am thinking of starting in Davis Square at 7:30pm, at the Burren. Leaving for hike around 7:45pm. Hope to finish hike and be home by 11pm.
There's a big party up at Caveman's in Vermont -- not sure how many VfTTers are staying behind in MA this weekend, but I hope you get some "takers". :)

Ah -- I had forgotten! And it's a gorgeous weekend ahead of us, I'm probably the only one that has to stay in MA.

To those of you going to the party this weekend, have fun!!!