David Metsky
Well-known member

As some of you may know, a large, illegal trail was cut this summer in the middle of some previously untrammeled terrain near the top of Big Jay. Several members of the backcountry skiing community (myself included) have organized a benefit showing of Powder Whore's
Project website here. TelemarkTips thread about the ski cut here.
The prize list now stands at:
- Jay Peak
- Jay Peak Season Pass!
- 2 Jay Peak lift tickets
- North American Telemark Organization
- 2-Day NATO Telemark Workshop at Jay Peak March 29-30
- “Sweet Joy of Telemarking” DVD
- “Joy of Telemarking” DVD
- New England Telemark
- 1 Hour Private Telemark Lesson any level, at any NET Tele Fest
- Telemark Skier
- 2 Subscriptions to Telemark Skier Magazine
- Ibex Clothing
- Awesome Wool Clothing
- Eastern Mountain Sports
- 174cm K2 World Piste skis
- Black Diamond TeleKneesis Knee Pads
1 raffle ticket with admission. Extra tickets $1, $5 for 6.
Join us for a fun evening supporting a great cause!
Directions to the Regent Theatre here.
Many thanks to the PW’s, their sponsors, and our sponsors.
VttT'ers involved with this project are Seeker and David Metsky. I've OK'd this posting with Darren.