AnlterPeak Knows the way...
I drove back from Cooperstown, NY a couple of weeks ago to North Woodstock, NH. I took the route AntlerPeak describes. It may not be the most direct, but it is scenic. I don't think there is a "direct" route.
Heed the advice travelling through Woodstock, VT. Stay to the posted speed limits. Drive REAL slow and let the pedestrians cross at cross walks. Not that I get stopped, my sister used to live there.
Truants Tavern is still in North Woodstock, NH intersection of Rts 112 & 3. The upstairs is hopping Friday nights after the other restaurants close. They have 2 pool tables, shuffle board, and fooseball.
Also regarding speeding watch it in Woodstock and Lincoln, NH. they're out all the time lurking, looking. Use turn signals and make sure all your lights are in working order. After you drive by Govoni's Restaurant on Rt 112, from Rt 118, in North Woodstock the speed limit drops to 30 MPH, be forwarned. The police are known to setup speed traps on Rt 112 about 1.5 mi. away.
Scrambler have fun with the family.