Queensbury/Lake George NY to Woodstock NH


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Jul 22, 2005
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Beverly, MA / Randolph, NH
I have some family coming out this weekend to do some hikes and was wondering what the quickest route would be. I have never done this and I checked with Yahoo maps and they set the route thru VT taking 4, 89 , 118, 25 to 93. 157 miles in roughly 4 hours. Looking at the maps I was wondering about maybe 91 to 302 to 112. Of course it might be 6 of one, half dozen of another.

Any insight would be appreciated.

I have done this trip more times than I'd like to count. Take route 4 to the interstate 91 just before White River Junction, VT. Go north on 91 to Fairlee VT. Cross over to rte 10 in Orford New Hampshire turn right (south) in Orford drive to the southern end of the village to intersect 25A. Follow that to rte 25 in Wentworth NH and take 25 North to Warren NH. Just a bit north of Warren about a mile or so rte 118 exits Rte 25 to the east. 118 goes over the shoulder of Mooseilauke and drops you into Woodstock. It is a good road but can be difficult in the winter.

Rte 4 from Rutland to Woodstock VT is maddening as you can go only as fast as the "designated blocker" in front of you allows.

Once in N Woodstock New Hampshire check out Truants if it is still there it was a great eating spot. About four hours should do, again that depends upon the designated blocker.
I used to drive from Rutland to Lebanon every day. Route 4 can be very bad, especially in Woodstock. What I did was turn north onto Route 100 in Killington, bear right onto Route 107 after about 10 miles or so and follow it to I-89 (exit 3). It's a little longer mileage-wise but was nearly always faster time-wise. Plus I find it more scenic, but that's debatable. Once on 89, follow it south to pick up I-91 North and then follow either of the other suggestions posted here, as I can't say which of those would be better.

If you decide to do drive Route 4 through Woodstock, VT, be aware that the speed limit is 25 mph through the village and they are very strict about enforcement.
Quickest route? It doesn't exist. Definitely right about the "designated blocker" in VT.

A tip for getting around the mess in Rutland. COMING EAST on Rte. 4, when you get into Rutland, shortly after you turn left and join Rte. 7 at the end of the 4-lane highway, GO RIGHT at the stoplight next to the McDonalds on the right. Continue until you come to the next stoplight at the hospital, where you go left. Go until the next stoplight, where you turn right onto Rte. 4 again, having bypassed Rutland. GOING WEST, when you are descending the hill into Rutland, GO LEFT at the stoplight next to the first Stewarts gas station you come to on the left. Continue to the stoplight at the hospital, and go right. Continue to the next stoplight, and go left, onto Rte. 4/7 west. Don't forget to make the right onto the 4-lane stretch of Rte. 4 shortly after this.
AntlerPeak said:
Take route 4 to the interstate 91 just before White River Junction, VT. Go north on 91 to Fairlee VT. Cross over to rte 10 in Orford New Hampshire turn right (south) in Orford drive to the southern end of the village to intersect 25A. Follow that to rte 25 in Wentworth NH and take 25 North to Warren NH. Just a bit north of Warren about a mile or so rte 118 exits Rte 25 to the east. 118 goes over the shoulder of Mooseilauke and drops you into Woodstock. It is a good road but can be difficult in the winter.

I also take this route from CT. To add a little more information, Fairlee is exit 15. At the bottom of the ramp take a right and go to the stop sign. Take a left (route 5) and head a 1/4 mile to the Citgo station on the right. Take the right at the Citgo station and cross the bridge over the CT river. At the next stop sign take a right (route 10) and head a 1/4 mile to route 25a on your left. Follow 25a fo approx 10 miles and at the next stop sign turn left onto route 118. Follow 118 to N. Woodstock.

I use to take 4 to 118 to 25 to 93 to 49 east but got tired of follow Earl in the pick-up hauling chickens.
AnlterPeak Knows the way...

I drove back from Cooperstown, NY a couple of weeks ago to North Woodstock, NH. I took the route AntlerPeak describes. It may not be the most direct, but it is scenic. I don't think there is a "direct" route.

Heed the advice travelling through Woodstock, VT. Stay to the posted speed limits. Drive REAL slow and let the pedestrians cross at cross walks. Not that I get stopped, my sister used to live there.

Truants Tavern is still in North Woodstock, NH intersection of Rts 112 & 3. The upstairs is hopping Friday nights after the other restaurants close. They have 2 pool tables, shuffle board, and fooseball.

Also regarding speeding watch it in Woodstock and Lincoln, NH. they're out all the time lurking, looking. Use turn signals and make sure all your lights are in working order. After you drive by Govoni's Restaurant on Rt 112, from Rt 118, in North Woodstock the speed limit drops to 30 MPH, be forwarned. The police are known to setup speed traps on Rt 112 about 1.5 mi. away.

Scrambler have fun with the family.

This topic has come up a few times, so I've taken the time to record many of the options on a spreadsheet. From the junction of I-89 and I-91 to the junction of I-93 and NH 112, here are my calculations of time and distance:

via I-91/NH118/NH25, etc: 59 miles, 76 minutes

via I-89/US 4/NH 118/NH 25/I-93: 65 miles, 80 minutes

via I-91/US 302/NH 112: 69 miles, 85 minutes

My time estimates assume dry roads, no slowpokes, no pit stops and no delays for road construction.