Question about East Sleeper

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poison ivy

Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
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Mansfield, MA Avatar: Mt. Whitney, CA
I just wanted to double check that East Sleeper, not West, is the peak on the New England Hundred Highest list. I was looking at my map and it has West Sleeper at 3881 feet and East Sleeper at 3840 (neither of which matches the elevation of 3860 on my copy of the AMC application.)

I just want to make sure I'm heading to the right place!

- Ivy
Hey Ivy!

One of the first places I turn to for lists is Mohameds site and this has this info on East Sleeper for the NE 100 highest.

What route were you considering? I still need Whiteface and that is within spitting distance of East Sleeper. Of course, I've heard nasty things about the Blueberry Ledges.

Maybe we could do a loop.... :eek:

East Sleeper is the place to go. West Sleeper, though higher, is DQ'd by its col with the higher South Tripyramid, which is DQ'd by its col with the higher Middle Tripyramid. Although I didn't, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to climb them both in case elevations and lists change yet again.
Thanks Mark for explaining that... it's been bugging me all day!

HikerBob: I still need Whiteface for my winter 48 and was contemplating heading up that way and hitting E Sleeper too. Blueberry Ledges wasn't that bad.... (I hiked it last year the weekend after calendar winter ended) ... definitely will need the crampons though! :) Wanna plan a trip?

- Ivy
Hummm...I'm interested in both Sleepers. If you go on a Saturday and want company let me know.
Depending when you go we might be interested as well. We did East Sleeper last Summer via Whiteface - not too bad - only a couple of spots that might be tricky.
Access to Whiteface

What about the McCrillis Trail. I have been up it in the winter and found it a lot mellower than Blueberry Ledge. The only drawback I can think of is that the bridge over cold river went out a few years ago so you have to cross that. But it's neither deep or wide.
Kevin - thanks for the advice. However, without the right ancilliary equipment, knowledge and experience using rope I would be very hesitant to take it. I would rather turn around than get in over my head.

To avoid a descent of the Blueberry Ledge trail I've been looking at traverse possibilities. Going down the Tri-P South Slide and out via Livermore Road gets both Sleepers, is a tad over 11 miles and has a navigation worry free ending :rolleyes:

If the South Slide descent is too demanding there is always the option of hitting all of the Tri-Ps and going down Scaur Ridge and Livermore Rd!!!

If conditions were right, previously stashed skis for the long run out would make for a fun ending (not that I have skis to stash or any idea how to use them) What would be even better would be to have some kind soul sled in the skis to meet us... :D

Just a little lateral thinking here juggling ideas :) Thoughts?

HikerBob: I think the killer with that is the car spotting. Key swap maybe. (I hope you don't keep that avatar for very long :eek: )
Thanks everyone for all the advice. I'm thinking about doing the Whiteface East Sleeper trip the first Saturday in February. I'll post something in trips & events once I get it all figured out for sure for anyone else interested in coming along.

I probably will just do East Sleeper, as adding West and heading back down the Blueberry Ledges trail will be a lot of miles for me to accomplish, especially in winter. If we can work out a key swap or car spot, doing the route as HikerBob suggested would be fine with me though.

HikerBob: Your new avatar scares the beejezus out of me!

- Ivy
E. Schlimmer said:
And it would be cruel for West Sleeper to really count and not have its own spot on the list. I hate to even think about it. It's just too sad.

That was just too funny. I just got an odd look from my wife after I busted out laughing at that one. :D :D
It"s EAST sleeper on the hundred highest list. I've done it from the south slide of tripyramid, easy trail over to it. Speaking of which, that day, I wanted to go over the tripyramids while we were there, but no one else did. I'd like to go up Scar ridge trail to Tripyramids, and if anyone wanted to bag over to get east sleeper, I'd be game. Either that or I'll wait on Middle Tripyramid for you all and cook some hot steak tips on my stove for when you got back.
Ivy - the first weekend in Feb will work for me so please keep me posted.

Whichever route gets decided on there is one thing we should all adhere to... an early start! :)

Carole, Ivy - I've changed my avatar to something less distressing. The curious can find the old one HERE :eek:

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Downe's Brook?

I think I did E Sleeper via Downe's Brook. That was a pretty gentle walk with a few river crossings.

As long as the rivers are frozen up that might provide an alternative to Bluebery Ledges.

If you're looking to make it an overnight, and add a couple more peaks, when we did this in the summer we started up the Pine Bend Brook Trail, over the Tris and Sleepers, and camped near the junction of the Kate Sleeper and Downes Brook Trails. Day two was up and over Whiteface and Passaconaway and out the Oliverian Brook Trail. So, obviously, you will need to spot a car. This was a great trip. Maybe not in winter...but maybe...

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