question for nutritionists: potassium: 3500mg/day ?

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2005
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Here and there Avatar: Ice Ice Bab
Potassium is important, especially if you suffer from leg cramps. An article mentions needing 3500mg per day. Is it just me or does that seem like a lot ? Or is potassium so common that we get that much without trying ? Or are most people getting less than they should ? thanks
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I've found eating banana chips (along with salty snacks and skipping the Gatoraid) have been a big boost to my endurance and energy.

I've never gotten many cramps while hiking...the next day is when I pay for it but that's from latic acid build up.

I eat apricots, dried fruit, nuts and raisins too, didn't know the potasum connection, just like them for the carbs and flavor.

Dried dates too but they are not on the list.
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I'm allergic to banana, papaya, and avacado. Maybe this is why I'm tired and feel crummy a lot of the time :( .....