Rainy Rosebrook Range Ramble -- 8/28/05


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Double Bow

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Apr 29, 2005
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Ashuelot, NH (anyone know where that is?) Avatar:
This past Sunday, I joined Barbarossa for a fun and memorable day on these seldom climbed peaks. I met up with him at the Zealand trailhead and found out that Dr Wu would not be joining us. That was a disappointment but, there's always next time.

We spotted a car at the Hale Brook trailhead and wentback to the Zealand parking lot and presently went "Across the River and Into the Trees", soon coming out onto the Mt Tom snowmobile trail which we were to follow for a good ways to gain elevation without having to fight too much vegetation. Actually, the brush wasn't very think there.

We soon came to an abondoned pink car from the 50's. I'm still cursing myself for not taking pictures! :mad: It was on it's roof and the upolstery was still in good condition. There were a fair number of oil cans around it too. Based on some graffitte, we knew it had been there at least since the 60's.

Once we got off the snowmobile trail, we climbed a little through pleasant woods to the top of the ridge at the 3085' bump. The going from there over to Echo wasn't too bad. From there, we caught a view of the cloudy slope of Pierce (we think) before decending into woods that alturnated between fairly open woods and spruce. Overall, it wasn't too nasty though it was starting to rain.

We continued at times skirting the ridge and other times walking on it, wherever the vegetation dictated through we made sure to scramble up whatever knobs we came across since I was interested in trying to find a cannister. Eventually, we hit the long summit of Stickney but didn't see any canister, oh well. By this point it was raining steadily and we were very wet. I had put on rainpants but, the rain wasn't really bothering us and so, that was all the raingear either of us donned.

On the way to Rosebrook, we did find a snowshoe trail that traversed the ridge and we followed it out to the ski slopes which we took up to the summit of Rosebrook. I checked out the safety hut there and we took the easy was over to Oscar which has a refurbished railroad passenger car for a warming hut. Another good photo missed! Anyway, we went off the back side down a stretch of slick ledges which (thankfully) gave way to very open hardwoods which we got down pretty quickly.

After a flatish section, we were back at the stream which we crossed and came out back on Zealand Rd. As we walked down the road eating berries in the rain, the AMC shuttle stopped and offered us a ride. We explained that we were just going to the Hale Brook trailhead and the driver insisted that he give us a ride. We accepted and rode back to the car. The driver and the passengers thought that we were hiking over Hale and to the hut and we didn't bother to really correct them. After all, we could have told them what we had done but, it would have taken to long to explain why!
We found no cannisters, but there were a number of 'bearing trees' marking the boundary of the National Forest. The 3085' bump near Tom had some orange paint marking a tree and a Stickney there was an old cairn that looked like it was painted from the same can.

Perhaps for the day we were out a reverse route would have been better. We had a beautiful morning starting out, but one could tell it wasn't going to last. Driving up the Franconia Notch looked like a misty Norwegian fjord. Back to the oint, I think it would be a blast to scramble up the ledges on Mt Oscar on a dry day. Scrambling down in the rain got a bit dicey in places, but we lived to tell the tale!