Can’t say for sure but from this article it looks like Peter Limmer has an apprentice that may eventually be taking over the business. In addition the article has some great historical information. I’ll ask around the Valley about their status going forward and report back.^^^^ What?!?! ^^^^
Say it ain't so.
Peter sold quite awhile ago to Moat Mountain Brewery. They did a major renovation and continue to add on to the Barn in historic fashion. Rumor was they were allowing him to run Limmer Boots rent free. At least initially. But I cannot validate that. very well placed sources say Peter had, for some reason, sold the building and is now renting. And he wants an arm, leg, and a soul for the (dieing?, obsolete?) business.
One of the soles on my trail runners partially came off and I used “Gorilla Glue” ! They’re holding up well. I’ve used them 3x since.Assuming they stay in business, will Limmer re-sole other company's boots? My friend just had the outsole of her favorite Asolo's come off. She's going to try talking to Asolo first, but if they won't help she might still try to save them.