Redfield 6/16/09 ice found!

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Nov 14, 2003
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Canton, NY. Avatar: Mt. Washington in Winter:
From Loj. Went via Lake Arnold and the infamous 500-600' loss of elevation. The trail is easy to follow to the Opalescent crossing, but the bridge isn't in good shape. It was originally 3 or 4 long logs, but now it's down to one...and that one is broken:(, but only a little:). It's broken at the near end but seems to be resting solidly on something. When I, gross weight ~210, crossed it, it didn't shift or make a sound. Bog bridges ok. Only one goes significantly under water when you step on it. That one is easy to see because the near end (near on the way up) is already under water. If/when you take a long step/short leap to the far end, it will sink to 2" below water.
Redfield herd path. It's been rainy, so it's muddy. I made an effort to go up the brook itself whenever possible to avoid the mud. It was also a nice change of pace from path walking. After the junction with the tributary, I continued trying to follow the trib so as to avoid the mud and not contribute to erosion on the path. Despite recent rains, it was fairly easy to stay in the stream and walk up its rocks a lot of the time. The big pay off for this was finding a boulder cave on the left side of the trib. I looked inside to see if it would be a good place to wait out a downpour some day. I think it would be. But the reason I mention it is that there was ICE inside! With only 5 days left til Summer officially begins, [1:46AM on 6/21], this ice has a chance of surviving til Summer. The rest of the the way up was easy to find and had no real blowdowns. No other signs of ice or snow seen on this hike.
I hope this post doesn't lead to hordes of hikers converging on the ice cave tomorrow to see if the ice made it to Summer.