Redfield, Cliff 2/28 & 3/1

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Active member
Apr 2, 2008
Reaction score
Northeast Kingdom, VT
Trail Conditions: Hardpack highway to Flowed Lands & again to Uphill Brook. Expect some variations in tracks to connect from Calamity lean-to to your route anywhere, as the big rain Friday wiped out some ice crossings & necessitated that many people take the summer trails around FL on Saturday. Was refrozen well by Sunday evening, though. Nice established track up Redfield, very scenic & straightforward climb. Cliff, on the other hand, involves a number of long, steep, icy chutes with very impressive broken-leg potential should a climber come unglued. Use caution! Aside from that, the woods in general feature a good supportive crust right now -- one floats over the blowdown fields with ease, and spruce traps are a minimal hazard.

Special Equipment Required: Snowshoes essential, obviously. Poles nice. If you're going up the backside of Cliff consider ice axe (for chopping steps & self-belay) essential equipment. With very cold nights, full crampons may soon be a necessity as well.

Other notes -- the route up Cliff from Flowed Lands is in; a large party did it on Saturday, and I met a guy on Sunday morning who had come over Cliff that way & reported the route is excellent. Certainly a large track emerges out of the woods at the summit sign. Consider this third-hand, however, as I have not been on it myself.

Have fun ...
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