redfield/cliff trip reports

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Sep 19, 2003
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clinton, ny "avatar:Bailey"
will be doing this hike from upper works soon and was wondering if anyone had a link to a good trip report. I looked at adirondack journey but want one recent. I was up there a couple of weeks ago and saw the cairn for redfield right after uphill brook ( I was coming from skylight). I Just want to make sure I dont miss the trail to cliff. One other question. I did the skylight/grey hike from LOJ. How does redfield/cliff from UW compare to this one?
BlackSpruce said:
Herdpath to Cliff was partially cleared (85%) a few weeks ago, so it's much easier to follow and travel. By now the cairn indicating the start of the Cliff herdpath must have been removed and the trail should only be left with one cairn indicating the start of the Redfield and the Cliff herpaths. A few hundred yards further and still on the flat a small cairn indicates the branching to the right of the route to Cliff. It allows climbers to avoid a section of the very wet -at first- path to Cliff Mountain and will give the forest/vegetation a chance to reclaim the now several hundred wide muddy path in the forest area immediately adjoining the Oplalescent River Trail section neighboring the Uphill Lean-to.


No. The "bad" path's cairn is bigger and badder than ever. REad my TR that Yvonhas linked to above. The discussion after the report and pictures tell the story of the paths.
If you take the herd path to Redfield, you will be walking up with the brook on your left. You will see the "Cliff bypass" herd path branch off to the right after 100 yards or so... it looks like somebody tried to block this route with a couple branches on the ground, but there is a tiny cairn there if you are looking for it. You will know when you are on the herd path for Cliff when you see all the "corduroy" - horizontal logs left over from the old Twin Brook trail and logging tote road.

I posted a trip report from 2 weeks ago...

Took me 39 mins to get to the true summit of Cliff, and 50 minutes to get to the summit of Redfield. I walked out to UW in 2:40 from Uphill Lean-to, so take that for what its worth. Have fun!
If you follow the trail from the Lake Colden dam, you’ll eventually come to a big upturned tree with its roots facing you, on the right-hand side of the trail. The herd path to Redfield and Cliff starts a short distance beyond that.

The herd path to Cliff used to start at that upturned tree, but it’s too darn muddy to bother with when there’s an alternate route that will keep your feet drier.

There are some photos showing our hike to Cliff three years ago here.

Note that we took the old, wet route on our way up; we discovered the alternate route on our way back down.
BlackSpruce said:
I am still sorry to read that you had such a hard time on that beautiful and full of character mountain on such a perfect day.

Hard work doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it! But heck, then again I lliked Couchie too.

I wear my bruises proudly :p and am used to the fanny shimmy over downed trees. I just need to find some leg growth hormone. At least during the summer I don't have to answer the oft repeated question of "what happened to you!?" on Monday morning.
BlackSpruce said:
"I just need to find some leg growth hormone"

YES long legged climbers should climb each mountains twice at least for their 46 to count. On Allen Wednesday two of my companions were respectively 6'3" and 6'4.5": it just wasn't fair to the rest of us!
I'm working on it! :D

Just 3 to go for 2 complete rounds.
I am happy to say that I have Cliff counting for my winter, regular and bushwhack rounds of the 46 and I have never been on that "path". Only been on top once as a matter of fact. But now I'm getting kind of curious and think I'll go and see what all the fun is.
Neil said:
I am happy to say that I have Cliff counting for my winter, .......regular of the 46.

Me too, but I have to do Redfield to complete my 46.
I did find Cliff, the old herd path easy to find. Because Pete, who know that I was coming from the Loj, wrote my name in the snow to help me to find the herd path.
BlackSpruce said:
Sorry Neil but we, the winter FORTY-SIXERS had a meeting on June 31st and decided to change the rules for safety reasons starting this year: all 46 peaks must first be climbed in the summer and then again in the winter to count for either round. Therefore, you will have to climb Cliff in the summer and then again during the winter months...

That means I would have to go again on Allen, Cliff, Redfield, Couchie, Santanoni, Panther, East Dix, South Dix, Hough and Rocky Pk Ridge in summer, and again in winter in order to get my winter rocker patch :eek: I doubt I'll get it one day.

If this is serious I really don't get it.

You (the winter FORTY-SIXERS) think it will prevent accidents, well I think that rule will just make the organization look even more like a sect (it's not me who said that first).