Redfield from Upper Works 10-2-09

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Jun 15, 2008
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We started early (6ish) only to find out one of our lamps was messed up. We were , however, able to do the first part of Calamity trail with only one. This is the best half of the trail which is pretty much a mud pit all the way to Flowed Lands. Perfectly clear skys gave us early light and hopes of maintaining our record of no rain through the 46. I should never have opened my mouth. Trail was wet from here on but much better than Calamity. After the Marshall cairn we were on new ground for us all the way to summit and it was spectacular. I couldn't stop taking pictures. As the trail closes in toward up hill leanto we started to get wet. The trees were soaked and filled with melting snow which got deeper as we gained elevation. The traction was still good as it was still too warm for ice. Trail up to Redfield was easy to follow but still about as rough as any we have been on. After about an hour and a half from leanto we made the top. Completely socked views this day. On the way down there were a few breaks in the clouds revealing the beauty of the area in full fall colors. Man I wish I could take pictures like that Heilmann guy. Anyway by the time we got to the split to cliff which is just a couple hundred yards from main trail, we decided to cancel Cliff. This would have been 46 but meant we would probably be doing the Calamity in the dark and rain with one lamp. Then we met a Ranger who kindly gave us a glow stick that he said would help. These guys are solid gold. He was up there helping look for a lost hiker and checking the leantos for clues. He had just found out that the guy was found on the other side of Tabletop after a couple days in the woods. He really seemed to care for our well being and even offered a real headlamp which we turned down. Anyway we made our way back to Tahawus but not before the rain, the last half mile in a steady downpour. Oh well..records are made to be broken. Can't wait for next season to see the Opalescent again in drier weather and more light. Oh yea and to drink our champagne on Cliff. Chris [email protected]