>Black Angel Trail (our
>route up) and the Rainbow Trail (my route down; Steve returned via the
>Black Angel),
That's not much of a hike for you, I've actually done it
Steve hiked the Rainbow with his wife a couple years ago and wrote a column on it taking particular note of the pseudo-peak
>Surprising to me, both trails appear to be regularly maintained, with
>most blow downs remove d and much of the understory brushed back.
There was a 4-person trail crew of 20-somethings on Black Angel with
heavy-duty clippers when I was there a few years ago, I gather they were
hoping to be sent to fires out West
> The only tricky part of the hike was traversing the
>headwall on the upper part of the Black Angel below the junction with
>the Carter-Moriah Trail.
>Also, there were some muddy sections on the
>Wild River Trail north of the Perkins Notch area.
Triple yup, you should see it in the wet season
>There are also lots
>of blue plastic diamond markers high on trees in in Perkins Notch,
>presumably to lead x-c skiers from Jackson to the old lean-to?
As I recall, they went to the leanto and then back on the East Branch Trail, maybe the Wilderness types have removed them from that section?
> I elected to retrace the 3 miles of the Wild River
>Trail nearest the campground instead of redlining the High Water Trail
Hey, I did that but on the way up when I was fresh
Probably a good choice as this trail has lots of up & down and is much