Remains of Reinhold Messner's brother, Guenther Messner Found

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Sep 6, 2003
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Rochester/ West of the Blue Line
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Saler has been relentless for over 20 years in his claims that Messner sacrificed his own brother as a result of his ambitions. It was a horrible accusation to make, with no factual basis, and only finding the body could dispell and disprove the baseless charges made by Saler. Hopefully, Saler will now pay a big price for his reckless behavior.
Ive read alot of Messner's stuff and alot about him. I personally never found there was enough about the incident with his brother to pass judgement either way and alway's gave messner the benefit of the doubt. I mean only he knows and on peaks of that scope anything can happen and to sit down off the mountain espechally if you where not there is presumtuous at best imo.
Thanks for posting the links to the DNA analysis of bone believed to be that of Gunther Messner, who died on descent from Nanga Parbat after summiting with his brother Reinhold. As one who has climbed a lot of mountains with his only brother, I cannot imagine what it would have been like to lose one's only sibling in the mountains. I have empathized for Reinhold all of these years and I am happy that his story of the events has finally been vindicated.

Nanga Parbat probably has led to the most controversies of all the 8000-metre peaks, dating back before the great Austrian mountaineer Hermann Buhl's solo first ascent in 1953. Buhl was the only member of a German expedition to summit, despite the Germans having lost over 30 mountaineers over many expeditions to Nanga Parbat before 1953. Like Reinhold Messner, Buhl was constantly attacked by his fellow expedition members until he lost his life on the first ascent of Chogolisa with Kurt Diemberger in 1957. Buhl's story is described in his book Nanga Parbat Pilgrimage, which has seen many reprint editions.