Rescue in Grafton Notch today

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Active member
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
44.55066, -70.32336
Today I made the drive from Berlin, NH to Upton, ME on Success Pond Road. The road is in great shape except that the short ATV section from Berlin is rather cobbly. It appears that they have been working on the road all summer. There is a lot of deep loose sand on the roadbed in places so I would hesitate before stopping in one if those locations. Coming through Grafton Notch I saw a fire.rescue truck and ambulance plus lots of people milling around. Looks like something has happened there. Should be on the news soon if so.
Today I made the drive from Berlin, NH to Upton, ME on Success Pond Road. The road is in great shape except that the short ATV section from Berlin is rather cobbly. It appears that they have been working on the road all summer. There is a lot of deep loose sand on the roadbed in places so I would hesitate before stopping in one if those locations. Coming through Grafton Notch I saw a fire.rescue truck and ambulance plus lots of people milling around. Looks like something has happened there. Should be on the news soon if so.

My guess on Success Pond road is since Bayroot (Yale) bought a couple of large parcels from Dillon recently along the road that they may actually be fixing the road properly. Dillon had been just grading and regrading the existing road without adding gravel back except where they did not have choice in wet areas. They had graded into the sub base ripping off the top of culverts. Bayroot has owned the land on the eastern end past the Maine line since JR sold out in the early 80s. Good gravel is hard to find so suspect they are using what they have.

As for the issue at Grafton Notch, I hope its not serious.