Ride for Research


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For the last 6 years this site has raised money for the Brain Tumor Society by participating in the Ride for Research. Regrettably I will not be able to organize Team VFTT or take part in the ride this year. I will be moving from Hawaii back home to Mass the same weekend as the ride. I do not like doing something if I can not give it my best effort. Between finishing up my work out here, organizing my move back to the mainland, and arranging my new position at work at home, my plate is full and I am just not able to work with the Ride For Research this year. Team VFTT will ride again next year though.

I still encourage everyone to visit the Brain Tumor Society website and consider donating. BTS is a very responsible charity that works for a very good cause. There are no membership dues on this site. If over the course of the last year you think you got some value from Views From The Top, then please consider donating to BTS.

Thank you.


- darren
SherpaKroto said:
Is anyone organizing a Team VFTT for the Ride? That's where I donate my money...

Got Bike?
I'm willing to provide camping/bath/shower facility's for the night before and after the ride for out of towner's or stater's If you want to participate.

The start finish line is in Waltham, Ma. ( about 15 mi. from me )
I live on the route, in Acton, Ma, at around the 29 mi. marker.

If you decide to do the full 50 miles, I will be providing refreshments.
If you want to do 29 miles, I can drop you off at the trailhead in the morning.
:) steve-o
I will watch this thread looking for someone I can pledge/sponsor.
A place to Donate for VFTT

See below for link to VFTT Virtual Rider to make contribution!!

BACKGROUND: About a month ago Skiguy and I exchanged thoughts on setting up a VFTT team for this year's run. After communication with Darren, we agreed that timing and interest were a bit off, and that a year away might make for greater focus next year.

However, let me herald the cause for us to donate to BTS in any regard, team or no team. Donations are our dues to this website, as Darren only asks this in return for his dedication, work and friendship. Let's not let down on our need to support him, keep his face smiling and his dedication to keeping us up and running.

I'm on my way to the BTS site to figure out how to donate.


BTS Virtual VFTT Rider to Sponsor

Here's what I did: I set up a "Virtual Rider" (a non-riding entity that we can sponsor):
First Name: Views
Middle Name: From
Last Name: The Top

The above link will take you to the Rider's Participant Page. A VFTT logo and snagged Darren Mtn pix are displayed (because I couldn't find past pix of rides... Darren??) I also selected to create a blog for entertainment value!

ONLINE: Click on the "Make a Gift" link under the barometer.
MAIL: Select the "Download a Form to Mail" in link near the bottom. Mail in your donation.

Any questions, PM me. Please follow my lead.
Thanks Bubba.

Great idea, a virtual rider will not be at risk of poisoning by thier Nalgene bottle.
bubba said:
See below for link to VFTT Virtual Rider to make contribution!!

BACKGROUND: About a month ago Skiguy and I exchanged thoughts on setting up a VFTT team for this year's run. After communication with Darren, we agreed that timing and interest were a bit off, and that a year away might make for greater focus next year.

However, let me herald the cause for us to donate to BTS in any regard, team or no team. Donations are our dues to this website, as Darren only asks this in return for his dedication, work and friendship. Let's not let down on our need to support him, keep his face smiling and his dedication to keeping us up and running.

I'm on my way to the BTS site to figure out how to donate.


BTS Virtual VFTT Rider to Sponsor

Here's what I did: I set up a "Virtual Rider" (a non-riding entity that we can sponsor):
First Name: Views
Middle Name: From
Last Name: The Top

The above link will take you to the Rider's Participant Page. A VFTT logo and snagged Darren Mtn pix are displayed (because I couldn't find past pix of rides... Darren??) I also selected to create a blog for entertainment value!

ONLINE: Click on the "Make a Gift" link under the barometer.
MAIL: Select the "Download a Form to Mail" in link near the bottom. Mail in your donation.

Any questions, PM me. Please follow my lead.

Well... that was a whole lot easier than peddling my a$$ around town! :D
Skip a Hike, Sponsor a Bike !

I've always felt that the cost of a tank of gas, representing a missed hike, was a good amount for me to contribute to this cause. And with the cost of gas, and now I drive a diesel... :rolleyes:

Darren doesn't ask much from us. This is a great charity. Give what you can.
I will be volunteering at the registration table. If anyone is riding, come by and say hello.

Additional Ride in New York

There is an additional Ride for Research that is based out of Saratoga Springs, NY -- held on the same day as the Boston event, May 18th.

The "Billy Grey Ride for Research" is a memorial ride honoring a 12-year old who died of a brain tumor. This ride is organized by his father.
Billy Grey Ride for Research

This location is very convenient for those in NY, NJ, VT, PA and the Province of Quebec. Perhaps we can form a second (third?) VFTT Team next year.

I thought this information may be of some interest now, and to plan for 2009.
If you're going to have a virtual rider then why not have virtual donors too? :D

Thanks for the website!
Neil said:
If you're going to have a virtual rider then why not have virtual donors too? :D

Thanks for the website!

Agree'd. Thanks guys, for everything you do.

p.s. I hope our virtual rider kicks everyone else's a** on race day. :D
I hope this is not a problem to everyone, but I tried 2 browsers and 2 credit cards, and could not get it to work. I called and donated over the phone...

Bubba, I also sent you a note...