Routes for Black Dome (Calling Jay H)

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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2004
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What's the best and koolest way to climb Black Dome? Not that best and kool have to be the same thing....just looking for your " Expert Catskillian Guidence"!! :cool:
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Someone just asking about Black Dome (and not the other two summits in the Blackhead Range) is often doing a P2K list (2000' Prominence list). There are two trail approaches to Black Dome. Both use the Black Dome Range Trail (aka Blackhead Range Trail), red markers from either of the two trailheads:
  • Shortest/easiest from Big Hollow trailhead at the end of Big Hollow Road: 2.6 miles one way, 1780' total ascent. At 2.2 miles on the way up is a short spur path right to a open view of Blackhead Mt and the Hudson Valley. On the summit of the 3980' Black Dome a short spur path leads south to an extensive open view toward the Devil's Path and the Burroughs Range (including Slide Mt). If you are interested in more you can continue on to the 3940' Thomas Cole Mt (0.8 miles, 200' ascent) although there is no view there. Another option is after returning to the col between Blackhead and Black Dome, to climb the short spur to 3940' Blackhead Mt (0.7 mile, 500' ascent, yellow markers, a view on the way up). You can either return the same way or return north on the Escarpment Trail (blue markers) which has a viewpoint, and is steep and potentially icy, and then the Batavia Trail (yellow markers) to return to Big Hollow Rd. The distance is about the same for either return from Blackhead.
  • Longer / perhaps more interesting and scenic from Barnum Rd trailhead over Thomas Cole Mt to Black Dome: 3.7 miles one way, 2290' total ascent. It traverses two false summits: 3320' Caudal (Camel's Tail) and the 3540' Camel's Hump. The second of these has a somewhat open view, which is better now that the leaves are off the trees. The trail then passes through an attractive open area which was neither logged nor burned. For some unknown reason the soil has never accumulated much since the last ice age, so it is reasonably open though still a virgin first growth forest. Then over the 3940' Thomas Cole which has no view to speak of. On the 3980' Black Dome summit is the short spur path to the extensive open southern view.
  • A third option is to spot a car and traverse all three summits, all are on the Catskill 3500 list. Total through distance is 7.4 miles and 2800' total ascent from Barnum Rd. The trailhead elevations: Barnum Rd, 2100'; and Big Hollow Rd, 2160' are nearly the same so there is a slight savings in total ascent starting from Big Hollow Rd.
Thanks for the replies fellow Trampers...Jay must not be out of bed yet :D !
No....Jay just got to work after a chilly ride this morning. First time I used my booties over my boots. But Jay is making hot chocolate to warm the body...MMmmmmmm...

I think a bushwack to Black Dome from Colgate/Capra Lake would be fun! But I guess Ed and Mark have pointed out the routes......

A traverse would be the best really, the Escarpment Trail is a big ridge (hence the name...:)) and there are fabulous views from WHP, Acra Point and Burnt Knob as well as the three in the Blackhead Range....

Jay H said:
No....Jay just got to work after a chilly ride this morning. First time I used my booties over my boots. But Jay is making hot chocolate to warm the body...MMmmmmmm...

I think a bushwack to Black Dome from Colgate/Capra Lake would be fun! But I guess Ed and Mark have pointed out the routes......

A traverse would be the best really, the Escarpment Trail is a big ridge (hence the name...:)) and there are fabulous views from WHP, Acra Point and Burnt Knob as well as the three in the Blackhead Range....


Thanks Jay...I love my Booties too. Amazing that the Road season has gone on so long without having to use them until now. When are you leading a trip to the Blackhead Range? Sounds like a nice Winter TROMP!
Well, I'd love to hike with you again, name a date this winter. It is probably a long day but doable. There are a couple dates this winter that are out because I'll be in the ADKs, but I'm kind of open otherwise...

Dr Wu and I attempted this traverse but it snowed heavily the day before and the path north of Black Dome was untramped and we were really slowed down by the light snow even with snowshoes so we went from Barnum Road (by Thomas Cole & over Black Dome) to BlackHead before deciding that we weren't going to go up to Windham that day and turned back. We spotted a car on Peck Road and drove the short way to the end of Barnum.


Mmmmmmmmm hot chocolate.... Plus, I didn't have time to fire up my wood stove last night cause I got back home around 9:30 and went to bed around 10:30 so woke up this morning to a house temp of about 45degs! :)